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Pro-Life This Week June 28, 2024

Week in Review

In Other Ridiculous News: Planned Parenthood Hosts ‘Queer Clothing Swap’

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is hosting its first “queer clothing swap” this month in collaboration with a Milwaukee woman who hosted a similar event last year. According to an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jamie Robarge, a Milwaukee photographer, began this event in her photography studio in 2023 and set up free clothes for people to come take that would fit the person’s so-called preferred gender identity. However, Planned Parenthood of Milwaukee got news of this event and is partnering with Robarge this year, changing her previously named “Gender-Affirming Clothing Swap” to an also nonsensically named “Queer Clothing Swap.” This disturbing event can only become more deranged and ridiculous with Planned Parenthood involved.

The article highlights that, with Planned Parenthood involved, there will be “bigger space and additional resources” to provide not only clothes and haircuts/makeup lessons but also “gender-affirming equipment” and “tables staffed by professionals who can provide health resources and information to attendees.” In other words, a Planned Parenthood marketing event to further promote its agenda and encourage others to reject the way God made them. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin are even promoting this event on its website and invite people to engage more in “queer-inclusive” services and behaviors. 

This event celebrates individual’s rejection of God’s intentional design of the human person by making a mockery of His design. Whether they are promoting abortion, contraception, or gender hormone therapy, Planned Parenthood constantly finds new ways to offend God and deny the dignity of each human person.

On July 1, the Marian Blue Wave Will Launch a Summer Prayer Challenge. Are You In? 

The greatest threat to little lives this November is ballot initiatives that seek to enshrine abortion into state constitutions.

On July 1, Marian Blue Wave director Katie Brown will be inviting 10,000+ prayer partners to join her in a Summer Prayer Challenge.

Each month until November, the Marian Blue Wave will pray for a different state faced with one of these evil initiatives.

Up first, the great state of Florida. 

During the month of July, the ask is for Christians to pray for the citizens of Florida to vote against this ballot initiative. 

Katie has also notified the Catholic bishops in Florida of this prayer challenge and asked them each to share the news with their parishes. 

Florida Amendment 4, The Right to Abortion Initiative, seeks to “provide a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability (estimated to be around 24 weeks) or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.

These ballot initiatives are pure evil and, make no mistake, are coming to your home state soon. Planned Parenthood’s mission is to pass total abortion amendments in every state.

The other states faced with these ballot measures are:

  • Maryland
  • South Dakota
  • Colorado
  • New York

We need our community of 10,000+ prayer partners to pray for our Blessed Mother to step in and stop abortion violence!

The stakes are high this summer, folks. Spread the news, and during July, join us in prayer for Florida. 

ALL in the News

ALL national director Katie Brown was invited back on to One America News Network this week to discuss the two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision. Katie was also quoted in Breitbart News on the decision saying, “There is much work to be done in America, but one thing is certain: The dignity of the preborn child will not be decided in a court of law. It will be decided in the hearts and mind of each American citizen.” This quote comes from ALL’s press release on the anniversary of Dobbswhich can be found here.

The latest STOPP report was published last week. Access the information and articles here.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program, wrote an op-ed on the Dobbs anniversary entitled “5 Things Pro-Lifers Have Learned in the Two Years Since Dobbs.” This week her article was also featured on Pregnancy Help News

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

The Beauty of the Developing Human Being is a four-class lesson for middle schoolers and older that explores the science of the earliest moments of a person’s life. This lesson is perfect in today’s pro-abortion climate, as it gives students a firm foundation regarding the fact that every human being’s life must be protected from creation until death. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Make a bold statement about your pro-life beliefs! This awesome blue T-shirt will not only share your 100% pro-life stance but will start conversations and help others think about the sanctity of life. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

YMCA Rejects Biblical Principles in Favor of Wokeism 

For decades the YMCA’s mission has been “to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build health spirit, mind and body for all.” To adopt Christian principles assumes a moral framework that is better than any other faith-based system of beliefs. The Y rejected Christian principles long ago in favor of syncretism and DEI wokeism.You’d be hard-pressed to recognize any fragments of Christian identity in the YMCA organization. It isn’t your great-grandfather’s YMCA anymore. Katie Brown, ALL’s national director, explains on One America News: