Action Item of the Week – Counter Pride by Celebrating Sacred Heart Month
On June 16 we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In this month dedicated to Our Lord’s most sacred heart, it seems everywhere you look there is a rainbow flag. What if, instead of pride flags, our neighborhoods were covered in Sacred Heart flags?
ALL encourages each of you to counter the so-called pride month by placing something outside your home such as a flag celebrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Many options exist online, such as this one from Angelus Press or handmade options from the website Etsy.
Share on social media how you and your family celebrate Our Lord this month, and tag us on Instagram @americanlifeleague.
Week in Review – See Hugh Brown’s Trip to the Men’s March; Eucharistic Procession at the Dodgers Stadium
Last weekend, American Life League executive vice president Hugh Brown traveled to Albany, New York, for the annual National Men’s March to Abolish Abortion.
Hugh and the other attendees walked from the Albany Planned Parenthood facility to the State Capitol, where the rally was held. Hugh spoke to the crowd about having hope and courage when facing evil and about embracing the power of prayer.
Hugh is a powerful public speaker and was recently welcomed by the Catholic Speakers Organization. To schedule Hugh as a speaker, contact our office.

Following the news that the Los Angeles Dodgers will honor an anti-Catholic group in mid-July, Catholics for Catholics announced there will be a prayer procession to Dodger Stadium on June 16, the Feast of the Sacred Heart. The procession will be offered “in reparation for offenses committed against Jesus Christ and all Christians by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.”
LifeSiteNews announced on Monday that Bishop Joseph Strickland of the diocese of Tyler, TX, will be leading the procession with the Eucharist.
In late May, the Dodgers extended a formal invitation to the anti-Catholic hate group, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, whose mockery of Catholicism and sexualization of children is a long-standing practice.
The Dodgers organization issued a statement apologizing to the hate group for first redacting an invite to the stadium, and then formally invited them to attend a Pride-themed baseball game in June, as well as receive a community award.
Archbishop Jose Gomez of the archdiocese of Los Angeles issued the following statement: “The Archdiocese of Los Angeles calls on Catholics and people of goodwill to stand against hate in any form after The Dodgers reinstated plans to honor the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ who were set to receive the Dodgers’ Community Hero Award.”
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a group of drag queens who mock Catholic nuns and the Catholic faith. They are on record making a mockery of the faith, including performing a drag show dancing around someone posing as Christ on the Cross.
“What parent in their right mind would take their family to a Dodgers game ever again?” said ALL executive vice president Hugh Brown earlier this week in a statement. “Catholic parishes are being vandalized and firebombed, Catholic leaders are being targeted, and Catholic religious are being openly slandered in a way no other faith tradition must tolerate. “Once again, anti-Catholicism remains the last acceptable prejudice,” said Brown.
STOPP is gearing up to release its annual audit of Planned Parenthood affiliate CEO salaries. For a teaser on the info to be released, read the latest issue of the Wednesday STOPP Report. The report can be found online here.
Katie Brown was a recent guest on The Pro-America Report, discussing how young people see the pro-life movement and Planned Parenthood’s recent financial numbers. Listen to the show here.
This week, Hugh Brown was a guest speaker for the group, Divine Mercy For America. Hugh spoke to the online group about the spiritual battle at hand and led the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life editor and head of CLSP, writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. She recently wrote an article on woke-ism that is about to be published in The Stream.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – Real Men are Unrelenting
Regulating preborn child killing is no way to end preborn child killing. To bring about an end to the mass slaughter of preborn children requires legal recognition of their personhood. Before the courts or the legislature take up this challenge, men will have to step up with unrelenting prayer, unrelenting faithfulness, and unrelenting witness.
Hugh Brown, executive vice president of American Life League, explains further at last week’s Men’s March for Personhood in Albany, NY.