Action Item of the Week – National Men’s March Set for June 3, 2023
The National Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood is officially set for Saturday, June, 9AM-12PM, in Albany, NY.
The Men’s March calls for men to “get off the sidelines and stand up for the full federal protection of the preborn without exception.”
Men will gather at 9AM outside the Planned Parenthood killing center (855 Central Avenue, 12206), where they will begin their march 2.6 miles to the New York State Capitol for the rally.
Women are invited to meet the march at the NYS Capitol at 10:45AM and join the rally (East Capitol Park, 82 Washington Avenue, 12210).
All participants are then invited to a post-rally luncheon and retreat at Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville (136 Shrine Road, 12072), where there will be a special guided tour of the sacred grounds, a Eucharistic Holy Hour with confessions available, and a 4PM Vigil Mass.
The evening before, on June 2, there will be a Men’s Retreat Night at the Shrine from 6-9PM in preparation for the events on June 3.
For more information, please visit
Week in Review – First Annual ‘Prayer for Life Kansas’ Calls out Hypocrisy in Abortion Ruling
One of American Life League’s associate groups, Right to Life of Kansas, recently hosted a rosary procession, Prayer for Life Kansas (PFLK), around the state capital.
The procession, which took place on April 26, was held to pray for the right to all life in Kansas and intentionally took place on the anniversary of Hodes & Nauser MDs v. Schmidt.

In 2019, in Hodes & Nauser MDs v. Schmidt, it was decided that within the Kansas state constitution the “equal and inalienable natural rights” guarantee also protects “a woman’s right to make decisions about her body, including the decision whether to continue her pregnancy.”
Right to Life of Kansas noted on the PFLK website that Hodes & Nauser directly opposes the state’s constitution, which begins by giving thanks to “Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges.” It then says: “All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
A small but pious group gathered at the state’s capital on April 26 of this year, the four-year anniversary of Hodes & Nauser, and processed around the block with a crucifix leading the way, praying the rosary for the pre-born in Kansas.
Right to Life Kansas is already looking forward to the second annual PFLK on April 26, 2024. American Life League will be in attendance, along with the dedicated pro-life people of Kansas.
Hugh Brown was recently asked to comment on the passing of infamous abortionist LeRoy Carhart. Hugh’s comments appeared in an article from American Family News. Read the article here.
Last week, Planned Parenthood dropped their 2021-2022 Annual Report. ALL quickly analyzed the report and released a press release on the findings. Read the full release here.
Katie Brown, director of ALL’s Marian Blue Wave program, was recently a guest on the Catholic Mindset Podcast. The show discussed ALL’s history in the pro-life movement as well as its current and active programs. Listen to the full show on YouTube here.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life editor and head of CLSP (the Culture of Life Studies Program), writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. Her commentary this week on transgenderism was published by Catholic World Report.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – Notorious Abortionist Remembered for “Excellence”
Leroy Carhart killed tens of thousands of preborn children. He is notorious for killing them in the third trimester without remorse. This week,Carhart learned how evil a man he was because he faced his particular judgement after dying of liver cancer. The world is better off with his demise.
The pro-life community no longer has a fight with Carhart. The abortion enthusiasts, however, already miss him and the butchery that defined his life.
with heavy hearts that we share this news. Dr. Carhart dedicated his whole life to providing abortion care to those who needed it with kindness, courtesy, justice, love & respect.
— CARE (@CareClinicCO) April 28, 2023
We will continue to work in his memory & keep abortion care accessible for those in our communities.
“Abortion excellence.” Gross.
Carhart fought at the Supreme Court to keep partial-birth abortion legal which involves delivering a full-term baby, sticking scissors through her head, then sucking her brain out.
— Marcus Hock (@marcus1320) May 2, 2023
He wasn't a "champion for healthcare"
He was a champion for death.
. . . and they call it healthcare.
Fifty years of killing, an eternity of burning. What a legacy, indeed.
— Josh (@LDSPioneer) May 2, 2023
Let’s go live to Dr. Carhart.
— Dad Bod (@dadbodpolitics) May 2, 2023
We can’t judge Carhart’s soul, but we can be assured of God’s perfect justice.
“Abortion excellence”. Seriously? Oxymoron…….
— TheGertn8r x (@thegertn8r) May 2, 2023
No kindness love justice or courtesy for the 30,000 babies he slaughtered.
— boysmom4306 (@boysmom4306) April 29, 2023
The majority of comments have a “hope he’s in hell” flavor to them, which we won’t repost here, because it is better to offer this instead:
May God have mercy on his soul…
— Copt-iq 💜 (@gethsummoney) May 2, 2023