Action Item of the Week – Right to Life of Kansas to Host Rosary Procession at Capitol Square in Topeka
Calling all Kansas pro-lifers!
On Wednesday of next week, April 26, Right to Life of Kansas will host a peaceful Rosary Procession around the state capital in Topeka.
The group writes, “On April 26, 2019, the Kansas Supreme Court held in Hodes & Nauser MDs v. Schmidt that these words protect a supposed natural right to abortion. We believe only hardened hearts could read the words in this way. We therefore will gather on the anniversary of Hodes & Nauser to ask God to send His grace upon the people and government of Kansas so that all may be affirmed in their natural right to life.”
RTLK is asking pro-lifers to pray a decade of the rosary at each corner of Capitol Square in Topeka beginning at 2pm on Wednesday, April 26. The group encourages those who can’t attend physically to do so spiritually by offering a rosary for the intention.
For more details on the logistics of the event, see the event website linked here.
Week in Review – Supreme Court Expected to Rule on Abortion Pill Mess; Danco, Abortion Pill Manufacturer, Ordered to Pay $765,000
In the past few days, judges in the states of Texas, Washington and Louisiana have issued conflicting rulings over the approval and use of mifepristone.
Last week, we reported on the nationwide mess created by the legal battle to revoke the abortion pill’s FDA approval. To get caught up on what happened last week, read our previous Pro-Life This Weeklinked here.
The Supreme Court is expected to act on the lower court ruling as late as today at midnight. Two weeks ago, a judge in Texas ruled to revoke the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, the first pill in the two-pill regimen for the “abortion pill.”
The judge’s ruling was blocked by another court, sending the decision to the Supreme Court. SCOTUS was set to rule on Wednesday of this week but decided to extend the ruling until Friday.
Until the Supreme Court rules, the Texas judge’s ruling has been paused, meaning mifepristone is still widely available for abortions.
In response to the potential ruling, ALL co-founder and president Judie Brown stated :“The Supreme Court is faced, again, with an opportunity to recognize every preborn child as a human being no different from any one of us except for her place of residence.” Brown continued: “The Court should see this, state this unequivocally and ban every pill that kills these children, including the abortion pill. But that would take a backbone and my question is, do the justices have it? For the babies, I hope so!”
If SCOTUS rules in favor of revoking the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, it will be a goal post in the fight to eradicate all forms of baby killing.
Danco Laboratories, LLC, which manufactures mifepristone, is under even more legal fire, as they were recently ordered to reimburse the government to the tune of $765,000.
The abortion pill manufacturer was found to be mislabeling their abortion drugs, which are imported, and failed to pay the required customs duties on the pills.
In a press release, the Justice Department said: “The settlement resolves allegations that, during the period 2011 through 2019, Danco failed to mark imported pharmaceutical products with the appropriate country of origin, and thereafter violated the False Claims Act by knowingly avoiding the marking duties owed to the United States for those imports.”
The reimbursement settles the claims against Danco, which were filed by Life Legal Defense Foundation under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims. In an email sent out by the organization, Life Legal’s chief legal officer, Katie Short, commented on the outcome of the case:
“We are pleased with the result of this qui tam action, which holds Danco accountable for its unlawful conduct. The recent ruling from Texas on the FDA’s politically-driven approval of these dangerous pills underscores the need for rigorous oversight of pharmaceutical companies, particularly those that, like Danco, exist only to peddle death.”
Hugh Brown was recently a guest on Relevant Radio’s Trending with Timmerie. The pair discussed the recent news on the abortion pill. Listen to the full show here.
Pregnancy Help News recently republished one of the articles from last week’s Wednesday STOPP Report. Read the full story here.
Over this past weekend, another Pregnancy Resource Center was vandalized by the domestic terrorist group, “Jane’s Revenge.” ALL was featured in an article about the vandalism by Breitbart.
Right to Life of Kansas, an ALL associate group, is hosting a Rosary Procession around the state capital in Topeka. Read the details of the event here.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life editor and head of CLSP, writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. Her commentary this week was published by Catholic 365 about the first 56 days of fetal development.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – The Abortion Pill Regimen
There’s a common misunderstanding that mothers take a single pill to kill their preborn child. American Life League’s Hugh Brown and Timmerie discuss the reality of killing preborn children at home rather than at an abortion facility. So, what is the Supreme Court to do? The FDA approved the abortion pills without researching its effects on underage girls.