Action Item of the Week – Hugh Brown’s Keynote Speech Available Free Online
Hugh Brown, American Life League executive vice president, recently presented as a keynote speaker at Bringing America Back to Life in Ohio. Hugh gave an inspiring talk on having faith in the face of fear.
His talk is available free on American Life League YouTube page.
Hugh, along with ALL’s other speakers, are available to travel to your community to speak on pro-life topics.
Individuals and groups looking to educate, inform, and activate around building the culture of life in their communities can call upon American Life League. In addition to our excellent resources, we offer programs and presentations designed to inform, inspire, educate, and activate you and your community.
American Life League speakers are in high demand, yet we strive to be as available and cost-effective as possible for pro-life groups and conferences of all types. Call our office with any questions or requests.
Week in Review – The Legal Fight over Abortion Pills Explained
In the past few days, judges in the states of Texas, Washington and Louisiana have issued conflicting rulings over the approval and use of mifepristone.
A Texas-based federal judge revoked FDA approval of the abortion drug mifepristone last week on Good Friday.
Rita Diller, interim STOPP director, wrote in this week’s Wednesday STOPP Report that Alexis McGill Johnson, head of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, addressed the looming unavailability of the drug that is used to kill most of the children aborted each year. She invoked the outrageous and tired mantra that killing preborn children is healthcare, saying the judge’s determination “would wreak havoc on our healthcare situation.”
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood leaders from multiple states promised to carry on, if necessary, without step one of the abortion cocktail—mifepristone—which stops maternal support to the baby by breaking down the uterine lining. Instead, they will advance directly to step two—misoprostol—which induces labor.
The revocation of mifepristone’s approval is set to go into effect on Friday, April 14. However, in an attempt to derail the ruling, the US Justice Department has already appealed it. In addition, a federal judge in Washington state has ordered the FDA not to alter “the status quo and rights as it relates to the availability of mifepristone” in the 17 states and the District of Columbia that sued to keep the abortion drug on the market in their localities.
Mifepristone is the first of two abortion drugs that pregnant mothers ingest to induce the death of their baby during pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone necessary for a healthy pregnancy to continue. The second drug, misoprostol, induces cramping and bleeding, leading to the death of the baby, who is expelled from his mother.
On Wednesday, the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to block the ruling but, instead, overturned the 2021 decision to send these pills via mail and reinstated a seven-week limit with in-person appointments. The case will almost certainly now be headed to the Supreme Court.
But, we have to ask, what’s the difference?
Using the United States mail to send a woman or teenager an implement of killing should be against the law, and you could bet if the mail contained a revolver instead of an abortion pill, such mailing would be banned instead of simply restricted.
In all of this, what is lost and what continues to be blatantly ignored is that these drugs murder babies.
The FDA allowed the approval of these drugs 23 years ago after extreme pressure from the Clinton administration and Planned Parenthood.
In those 23 years, these drugs have been used to murder over 10 million babies. The loss of life and the irreparable harm caused to mothers and families is incalculable. Planned Parenthood has invested in these pills and has stated that the future of murdering babies is abortion pills.
No amount of regulation, no amount of compromise, no amount of rationale and legal Twister can deny the blatant fact that these drugs murder babies. These drugs have also killed mothers and caused tremendous physical, psychological, and spiritual ruin to women.
The abortion cartel does not care. American Life League is calling on the FDA to ban these murderous drugs, as they have no place in a society that values human life. The role of the FDA is to approve lifesaving and life-affirming drugs and care, not methods that cause murder.
The bi-monthly Wednesday STOPP Report was released this week. The report looks at the recent pro-life setback in Wisconsin, where a Planned Parenthood-backed candidate was elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The report also includes a thorough explanation of the recent court rulings on the abortion pills. Read the full report here.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life editor and head of CLSP, writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. Her commentary this week was published by Catholic World Report on transgenderism.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – Smashing Churches Gets Less Punishment Than Shoving Abortion Volunteers
It’s a good thing devout Catholics put more faith in the justice of God rather than the justice of man. Last month, the US attorney general spoke before a Senate hearing and admitted the Justice Department didn’t pursue cases against criminals who vandalize churches and pregnancy centers. Those crimes occur under the cover of darkness and out of view of cameras, so those perps don’t get the FBI treatment.
However, in June 2022 a vandal smashed glass doors and defaced religious statues in the middle of the day, and all of it was caught on camera. The perp’s punishment? Three years of probation and zero time in jail.
Biden’s DOJ recommends no jail time for abortion activist who vandalized church: report
— New York Post (@nypost) April 13, 2023
Biden’s Justice Department isn’t interested in equal justice; it demands compliance with the Marxists ruling government, academia, media, and big tech.
If it was an anti-abortion activist at a clinic, they would be recommending 40 years.
— Jerry (@JJH_HLO) April 13, 2023
“No one is above the law” what a joke !!!
— Duckass (@baseballducky) April 13, 2023
It seems to me Anti-Christianity doesn’t get the same condemnation or air time as Anti-Semitism does in the media or the court system in the US. Ironically, about 70% of the country identifies as Christian.
— Carl Lazlo, Esq. (@roybatty010816) April 13, 2023
Unbelievable. You’d expect that from the defense not the prosecution. Yet they will demand the maximum for a guy who posted a meme during the election.
— L (@lawyerkev) April 13, 2023
Biden’s DOJ needs to do some “time”.
— ☯️ Entity of Life ☯️ (@Entity_of_life) April 13, 2023
The laws are not for them and the authorities are not there for you. They’re inside the system. You’re outside the system.
— Babs (@babsszemerei) April 13, 2023
Sad, but true.