Week in Review
Bringing America Back to Life Conference Proves to Be as Successful and Hopeful as Ever!
Last weekend, American Life League representatives attended the Bringing America Back to Life conference in Cleveland, Ohio.
The conference took place on Friday, March 8, and Saturday, March 9. ALL ran a vendor booth during the conference and distributed resources, including the recently updated “Abortion: Not Even . . . ” series that covers common exceptions for abortion and details why exceptions should never be allowed.
- Abortion: Not Even When the Child Might Have a Disability?
- Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Is the Result of Rape or Incest?
- Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Threatens the Life of the Mother?
Bringing America Back to Life is one of the few conferences that advocates for total protection for the preborn child. Topics also discussed included marriage, transgenderism, and the end of life.
ALL reps passed out information on the newly researched Charity Watchlist, which now features almost 150 charitable organizations. The list shares information with donors on where each charity stands regarding life issues. While the majority of the list is “red”—meaning they support abortion or other anti-life positions—there are a good number of “green” organizations that support life-affirming options.
The most popular charities people asked about were Catholic Relief Services, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and Mercy Ships—all of which are rated “red.”
ALL is proud to have been a sponsor of Bringing America Back to Life in 2024 and looks forward to 2025!

From the ‘WSR’: Planned Parenthood’s Latest Offense against the Human Person in San Diego
The following article is by Ed Martin from this week’s Wednesday STOPP Report.
Just last week, The Center for Medical Progress released documents showing Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest’s agreement to supply body parts of aborted children to the University of California San Diego in exchange for ownership to “patents” and “intellectual property rights” conducted by the university with the aborted fetal parts. Through a series of email exchanges and the signed “Biological Material Transfer Agreement” that CMP received through a public record request, these documents also show that Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest has been providing “fetal and placental tissue” for “valuable consideration” to UC San Diego since 2009.
CMP alleges that this exchange between PPPSW and UC San Diego is not only incredibly immoral but illegal due to federal law: “The transfer of any aborted human fetal tissue for ‘valuable consideration’ is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).”
Not only did the parties settle on the transfer agreement of aborted baby parts, but CMP provided another document that proves Planned Parenthood Federation of America signed off on the request to continue the “research” transfers between PPPSW and UCSD.
An email exchange between PPPSW and UCSD in 2021 also proves the continued relationship between the two parties in recent years, with a $10,000 receipt to the university for sponsoring PPPSW’s anniversary celebration event.
David Daleiden, president and founder of CMP, spoke with CatholicVote last week and said, “These documents show that the whole time Planned Parenthood swore to Congress and the public they did not sell body parts, they were lying about active contracts like this one to sell aborted fetuses for massive financial value in violation of federal law.”
Daleiden attempted to get Planned Parenthood to respond to CMP’s latest report findings by tagging Planned Parenthood CEO, Alexis McGill Johnson, in a tweet containing the video with the findings. Not even a full day later, McGill Johnson removed her tagged name from Daleiden’s tweet, which also asked the question, “Could you please explain to the public what Planned Parenthood thinks a ‘proprietary’ aborted fetus is?” Planned Parenthood and UC San Diego have not commented on the public records released or the report from CMP at this time.
While it is uncertain what will come of this shocking news, we certainly applaud The Center for Medical Progress for its investigative work and stand with its staff in calling out Planned Parenthood and UC San Diego for the trafficking of aborted babies’ body parts. We also encourage all of you to read and share CMP’s report and document findings, as the media has remained silent on this news.
ALL in the News
ALL alerted its base that the Virginia legislature is passing HB 819, which has been approved by both houses of the Virginia General Assembly. It requires employers to offer all FDA-approved “birth control” drugs and devices, including those that cause abortion. Hugh Brown interviewed with American Family News on the subject, calling for Governor Youngkin to refuse to sign the bill.
“Say the word, Mr. President, and tell the truth about abortion,” says Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazineand director of the Culture of Life Studies Program. Susan writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. This week her op-ed covered the president’s State of the Union address and was published by Catholic World Report.
Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org.
Pro-Life Education
Culture of Life Studies Program
On Sunday, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! While it’s fun to wear green and eat or drink green food, it’s also important to know the man we celebrate. That’s why we created a downloadable mini lesson on St. Patrick that you can do at home or in a school setting. This lesson shows students how to emulate this amazing saint who lived boldly for Christ, just as we are called to do as pro-lifers. At the end, students create a cool bookmark! What a great way to celebrate! ORDER HERE
ALL’s Education Materials
Exceptions: Abandoning ‘The Least of These My Brethren’ asks: Should pro-life principle be compromised to make advances in pro-life legislation? In this booklet, Judie Brown and Bring Young tackle a dangerous distinction between principle and pragmatism in the pro-life movement, a distinction that leads to erroneous exceptions, loopholes, and traps. Compromising pro-life principle for pro-life legislation is a lose-lose game for both morality and the common good. SHOP NOW
Pro-Life Social Media
Patricia Heaton Exposes Mark Ruffalo’s Hypocrisy
Did anyone know that Hollywood held its Oscar awards ceremony last weekend? Few did, including us. Further proof that Hollywood is dipping into irreversible irrelevancy is that fact that viewership for the 2024 Academy Awards peaked at 19.5 million, which is an improvement over the 2021 ceremony that attracted a paltry 10.4 million. To put it in perspective, however, 46.33 million viewers watched the 2000 Academy Awards.
Thanks to social media, pro-abortion celebrities can post their honest opinions without the filters put in place by publicists and magazine editors. Sites like X (formerly Twitter) let us know who’s talking crazy.
Take Mark Ruffalo, for example, who plays the Hulk in Disney’s Marvel movies. He posted a photo of himself celebrating abortion on his X feed. Pro-life actress Patricia Heaton, costar of Everybody Loves Raymond, beclowns Ruffalo for taking such a violent defense of preborn child killing.
Hi Mark. The heart symbol you are using here seems nice, but the cause supports the killing of 27 million females globally a year. Your red lapel pin celebrates the lynching and disembowelment of two Israeli soldiers by a Palestinian mob. Why do you support so much violence? https://t.co/jCYXQImNBz
— Patricia Heaton (@PatriciaHeaton) March 12, 2024
27 million girls murdered before they were allowed to be born.
It’s so good to have X/Twitter to remind us how depraved Hollywood can be.
I bet there wasn’t even one person in that elitist crowd wearing an American Flag pin…..hypocrites
— Yankees Girl 1776 🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸 (@LizLemon5759) March 12, 2024
Not likely. Because they hate the America that gives them the freedom to express their opinions, no matter how depraved.
This is the Heart that matters .. The Sacred Heart pic.twitter.com/yChyYGmO47
— Norskman67 🇻🇦 (@musclegeat) March 12, 2024
Never watching another Ruffalo film.
— J tavegia (@jtavegia5845) March 12, 2024
That “finger heart” looks more like a tiny snap of their fingers. Is precious human life so worthless to them that they should mock the destruction of millions of voiceless human souls this way? Hollywood loves to mock God, doesn’t it?
— Cathy Wilson (@CathyTweetsToo) March 12, 2024
Well done, Patricia. The “hand signal” they present is about the size of the babies being sucked from mothers’ wombs.
— Hbomb’s Busted Filter ✝️❤️🇺🇸 (@heather_wynalda) March 12, 2024
These people are lost.
Bless you & yours!
Women don’t like being murdered…
— Jcvolt⚡👷 (@jcvolt) March 12, 2024
Born and preborn women don’t like being murdered.