Truth gets a hearing
The Wisconsin Assembly has OK’d a bill that would prohibit any college campus receiving taxpayer dollars to advertise, prescrible or dispense the abortion-causing morning after pills.
The Wisconsin Assembly has OK’d a bill that would prohibit any college campus receiving taxpayer dollars to advertise, prescrible or dispense the abortion-causing morning after pills.
A long time ago — 1965 to be exact — medical professionals began the practice of redefining when a woman actually became pregnant.
in this issue: hot button issues: BISHOPS MEETING / CRUSADE WALK VIDEOS / TERRI SCHIAVOamerican life league associates: PHARMACISTS FOR LIFE INTERNATIONAL / PRO-LIFE WISCONSINbirth control: IUD COMEBACKculture… Read More »Communique – Jun. 17, 2005
The results of Terri Schiavo’s autopsy provide some answers concerning her physical condition, but in no way do these findings justify the cruel death by dehydration that was imposed on a living human being.
in this issue: hot button issues: ALL CRUSADE WALK / GRISWOLDabortion: ESSENTIAL / VIRGINIAadolescent parenthood: BAD OR GOOD?birth control: KNOWING IS NOT DOINGcatholic teaching: FOOD AND WATER / LOGICALcongress: BROWNBACKeuthanasia: HELPFUL STUDYweb… Read More »Communique – Jun. 10, 2005
Headlines make me nuts, and then when I read the stories my head spins. What in the world has happened to pro-life ethical principles?
in this issue: hot button issues: ALL CRUSADE WALKabortion: BREAST CANCER / CHEMCIAL / CRACKDOWN / DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / NO! / TRAININGbirth control pill: SEX DRIVEeuthanasia: GALLUP POLL /… Read More »Communique – Jun. 3, 2005
Yep, you read that correctly. When abortion is tolerated by us, the people of the pro-life movement. When is that, you might ask! Well, let me tell you.
Father Tad Pacholczyk, a Catholic bioethicist, told the Washington Post, “embryo adoptions would make Catholics complicit in test-tube fertilizations, which the church considers illicit.”
Next time you buy a box of Saran Wrap, designed to keep things fresh but clearly visible, maybe you will also think about Planned Parenthood.
The May 17 Gallup Poll on euthanasia had many surprising twists and contradicts everything the Zogby poll reported.
in this issue: hot button issues: HR 810birth control: DIVORCE AS SIDE EFFECT? / HAZARDSbirth control pill: PROSTATE DEFORMITIEScatholic teaching: FOOD AND WATER ARE NOT NEGOTIABLEeuthanasia: ALZHEIMERS / FOOD AS… Read More »Communique – May. 27, 2005