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Communique – Jan. 31, 2003

in this issue abortion: STATISTICSbioethics: EUGENICSbush watch: CHERTOFF / GONZALEScatholic bishops: CALGARY / SACRAMENTOcatholic education: TEACHER FIREDinfanticide: VIRGINIAmedia bias: MARCH IGNOREDreflection for prayer: ARCHBISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN abortion STATISTICS: While researchers claim that the… 

Communique – Jan. 17, 2003

in this issue: hot button issues: ROCK FOR LIFEabortion: IUDs / MEXICO / RISKSactivism: MSGR. KAVANAUGHbirth control pill: MALE PILL / RISKScongress: CLONING HUMANSeducation: PRO-LIFE PROGRAMeuthanasia: HAWAIIgirl scouts: GODhumor: FR. RAWLEY MYERSmorning-after abortion pills: EFFECT… 

Communique – Jan. 10, 2003

in this issue: abortion: MURDER / WRONGFUL DEATHbirth control and health insurance: STATE LAWbush watch: BANGKOK STATEMENTcongress: FRISTeuthanasia: COURSE FOR NURSES / WITHDRAWING LIFE SUPPORThuman embryo: KISCHERhumor: ANONYMOUSinfanticide: GARDEN OF ANGELSin vitro fertilization: BRITAIN… 

Communique – Dec. 20, 2002

in this issue: hot button issues: STOPPabortion: GEORGIA / MURDERactivism: MODESTYbirth control pill: RISKSborn alive after abortion: MICHIGANbush watch: MEXICOcatholic bishops: ARCHBISHOP MYERSculture of death: DRUG DILUTINGdown’s syndrome: TARGETTINGeducation: CHRISTIAN PRO-LIFE DEGREE PROGRAMfederal government: USAID FUNDSfertility: OPTIMAL… 

Communique – Nov. 22, 2002

in this issue: american life league: HOT BUTTON ISSUESabortion: PARTIAL BIRTHeuthanasia: ADVANCE DIRECTIVES / FLORIDA I / FLORIDA II / HAWAIIhuman papillomavirus: CANCERhumor: THANKSGIVINGin vitro fertilization: FROZEN HUMAN EMBRYOSmedia: CBS’ SECRETpolitics: STRANGER THAN…