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Communique – Aug. 22, 2001

in this issue abortion: PAINchemical abortion: LAWSUITdiethylstilbestrol: COMPLICATIONSembryonic stem cell research: HYPEethical stem cell research: ADULT STEM CELLSfrozen embryos: NEW JERSEYhuman cloning: ADVANCED CELL TECHNOLOGY, REPRODUCTIVE CLONINGin vitro fertilization: MULTIPLESpelvic inflammatory disease: RISKSplanned parenthood: MICHIGANpre-term… 

Communique – Aug. 9, 2001

in this issue: abortion: INCREASES CRIME / RACIAL TARGETSbirth control pill: RISKScoma: MIRACULOUS BIRTHfeminism: EVANGELICAL WOMENimposed death: AIDS & PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDEmorning-after abortion pills: OVER-THE-COUNTER “IMPERATIVES”precisely pro-life: TO BE PRO-LIFE — A DEFINITIONpregnancy: DEPRESSIONstem… 

Communique – Aug. 3, 2001

in this issue: abortion: MISOPROSTOLactivism: CROSSROADS, FATHER WESLINcatholic health care: NEW HAMPSHIREethical adult stem cell research: BONE MARROW CELLSexceptions: SLIPPERY SLOPEhuman embryo: CREATE AND KILLliving will: INCREMENTALISMmorning-after abortion pill: MODE OF ACTIONphysicians: HIPPOCRATIC OATH… 

Communique – Jul. 27, 2001

in this issue: birth control pill: RISKS I, RISKS IIbush watch: WHAT WILL BUSH DO?margaret sanger: RACISTohio: VICTORY FOR BABIESparkinson’s disease and human embryos: TRANSPLANTATIONpersonhood: HUMAN EMBRYO IS PERSONpolitics: INCREMENTALISMsafe sex efforts: FAILUREsterilization: ESSUREzinger: FOOLS?reflection… 

Communique – Jul. 25, 2001

in this issue: activism: WICHITAbirth control and health insurance: CONGRESSbirth control pill: RISKSbush watch: EMBRYOS AS PRODUCTScatholics for excommunication: PETITIONcatholic voters: HOW CATHOLIC?condoms: UNRELIABLEhuman embryo: DISPOSITION, SEEDING THE WORLDmisoprostol: LABOR INDUCTIONorgan donations: TATICS WITH FAMILIESpta: EXPOSEDweb… 

Communique – Jun. 29, 2001

in this issue: abortion: RISKSactivism: SUMMER OF MERCYanalysis: MONTANAbirth control: WELFARE RECIPIENTSbirth control and health insurance: LOUSIANA, WASHINGTONbirth control pill: VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISMbush watch: RU 486 (mifepristone) and DHHSchlamydia: REINFECTION RATESfederal regulations: DHHS SECRETARY TOMMY… 

Communique – Jun. 15, 2001

in this issue: acog: ACTION NEWSbush watch: ACTION ALERTcenter for reproductive law and policy: PILL BILL PROMOTIONchemical abortion: ADVERTISING DEATH, MIFEPRISTONE (RU-486) + MISOPROSTOLcloning: AMERICANS OPPOSEendometriosis: PREGNANCY LOSSimposed death: BRITAINpolitics: CATHOLIC PRO-ABORTION ELECTED…