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Painfully clear

Kelly Taylor is 28 years old and while not terminally ill, does suffer from a congenital heart condition that she does not wish to live with.

Free and easy

It’s always amazing to read about what Planned Parenthood plans to do about forcing death on the unsuspecting.

Eugenic euphoria

The news report that British experts in human embryology have the technology to allow parents to choose non-defective human embryos is more than disturbing.

Numb numbers

As a society, we love to count things. In fact, we count almost anything that can be counted. Whenever there are a lot of things to count, official counters seem to pop up

Weird waffling

Sen. Bill Frist betrayed the babies. So what does National Right to Life have to say? Oh, not much really. Their pro-Republican but not-so-sure-about-pro-life position is that they are “disappointed” with Frist for supporting human embryonic stem cell research.

Durbin two-step

Senator Richard Durbin, who defines his religious identity as Catholic, is very, very confused. He says that even though he used to oppose abortion consistently

Roe, Roberts and reality

udge John Roberts’ nomination to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court has people along the fringes, both on the pro-abortion and the pro-life side, so busy positioning for the “big battle” that it almost makes one dizzy.

Teddy’s new friend

When allegedly pro-life Senator Bill Frist, a Republican, a physician, changed his mind on human embryonic stem cell research, who do you suppose applauded him?