Abortion rhetoric – our own
Reading the pro-life commentary following and leading up to the annual March for Life always bothers me more than a little.
Reading the pro-life commentary following and leading up to the annual March for Life always bothers me more than a little.
The U.S. Supreme Court, in Gonzales v Oregon, is continuing its pattern of ruling against traditional morality. Once again the dignity of the human person and his innate identity as a member of the human race was subjugated to the false argument of “choice” divorced from right reason.
We are extremely hopeful that the confirmation of Samuel Alito will lead to a greater protection of all human life including innocent children at risk of losing their lives to abortion.
When I read the latest news about pharmacist Heather Williams, who was fired by Target because she refused to fill prescriptions for abortive drugs like the morning-after pill, I was reminded of a simple, but oft overlooked fact:
in this issue: hot button issues: PLANNED PARENTHOOD / ROCK FOR LIFE / SUPREME COURTabortion: KANSAS / SOUTH DAKOTAbirth control: WISCONSINcatholic colleges: THE MONOLOGUESeuthanasia: HALEIGH POUTREin vitro fertilization: NO GUARANTEESpersonhood: PENNSYLVANIA /… Read More »Communique – Jan. 27, 2006
The U.S. Senate faces a bit of a quandary. Do they create a bogey man out of Judge Samuel Alito and persist in misrepresenting his, to be frank, nebulous record, or do they face the honest facts and vote on his qualifications, period?
It is always a challenge to remain calm when the news reports on the March for Life begin pouring into the e-mail box or the actual “in” box at my office.
“Millions of Americans are sick and tired of their tax dollars being used to underwrite Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion chain and most aggressive promoter of sexual immorality in our nation,” said David Bereit, executive director of American Life League.
As the Senate Judiciary Committee prepares to vote on the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito today, American Life League delivered thousands of petitions signed by citizens across the country urging senators to approve his appointment.
in this issue: hot button issues: ALITO / ASSISTED SUICIDE / PARENTAL NOTIFICATION / ROCK FOR LIFEabortion: INDIAbirth control insurance: NEW YORKpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACTplanned parenthood: CLOSED IN INDIANA… Read More »Communique – Jan. 20, 2006
I almost feel sorry for the people at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It’s obvious that they are in the middle of an identity crisis and their affiliates are acting schizophrenic.
There’s no time to lose in the fight for life Washington, D.C. – In an exclusive interview with American Life League’s Celebrate Life magazine