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Planned Parenthood conceals rape

“People may be skeptical when pro-life groups accuse Planned Parenthood of violating the law and protecting rapists,” said Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League’s STOPP International.

Mery Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas; we wish you a Holy Christmas; we wish you every blessing the Lord could possibly bestow.

Hwang Wrong

I don’t know about you, but I have read more than thirty articles over the past two weeks, all dealing with South Korea’s infamous scientist, Hwang Woo-suk. But perhaps the most intriguing aspect of his specific fall from grace

Boston two-step

The not-quite-unbiased National Catholic Reporter tells its readers that Archbishop Sean O’Malley stayed away for a dinner honoring pro-abortion Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, while the Archbishop’s spokesperson, Terrence Donilon, is quoted in the Boston Globe, praising the mayor.

Bill and Melinda Gates: People of the Year?

Behind every good man is a good woman. How many times have we heard that age-old saying? Sure, some women who still believe that our gender is being suppressed by men might hear that quip and immediately think: discrimination.