This Is No Lawyer Joke
The American Bar Association has a special committee that deals with bioethics.
The American Bar Association has a special committee that deals with bioethics.
American Life League will honor the millions of preborn children who have lost their lives to abortion with its second annual Pro-life Memorial Day on October 2. The day is chosen because it is the first Monday in October, the day the U.S. Supreme Court begins its annual session.
I have to point out that not only is the media getting the message on the morning after pill wrong, but so are far too many pro-life groups.
Well, maybe they do. At least when it comes to bold faced lying about the morning after pill versus the “abortion” pill.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a Waco city ordinance restricting congregating near schools infringed on the rights of demonstrators.
in this issue: hot button issues: BUSH AND PLAN B / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAYabortion: FLORIDAactivism: CONTRACEPTION IS NOT THE ANSWERculture of death: CLERGY AND ABORTIONdown syndrome: BIASED LANGUAGEeugenics: PREIMPLANTATION GENETIC DIAGNOSISpolitics: SAY… Read More »Communique – Aug. 25, 2006
As one who has fought on the front lines of the pro-life battle for much of my adult life, it’s my perception that there is mass confusion in this nation about what it really means to be a man, or a woman ? a member if you will of a specific gender.
No I am not a country singer, but the words to that once famous ballad echo in my mind as the news sinks into my head.
American Life League is overwhelmingly disappointed at the Food and Drug Administration’s decision to make Plan B, commonly known as emergency contraception, readily available to women over the age of 18 without a prescription.
She’s a feminist, she’s a patron of the British Family Planning Association, she’s a BBC radio announcer, and she’s angry.
Well, blow me down. The true colors of the alleged “pro-life” president are finally clear and visible and pro-life he is not!
“What happened to President Bush’s campaign promises of respecting the dignity of every human person and creating a culture of life?” asked Judie Brown, president of American Life League.