Who is holding Planned Parenthood accountable?
The United Nations has declared today World AIDS Day, with the focus on ‘accountability.’ In light of this theme, American Life League poses the important question
The United Nations has declared today World AIDS Day, with the focus on ‘accountability.’ In light of this theme, American Life League poses the important question
I love good news, and the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma has made my day a very happy one. In response to an in your face Planned Parenhood billboard that reads “Birth Control is Easy,”
Recently Oneida County Right to Life protested a reception parishoners of St. Mary of Mt. Carmel/Blessed Sacrament Church hosted for pro-abortion Catholic Congressman-elect Michael Arcuri.
Believe it or not, the Lord Chancellor of England has warned doctors that if they refuse to euthanize (murder) their patients, they will face criminal charges.
Some call the day after thanksgiving “black Friday” because of the insanity in shopping malls and mega-stores.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards sends her key people e-mail updates from time to time
In what can only be described as a devastating decision, an Irish judge ruled this week that “frozen embryos do not enjoy the same constitutional right to life as those carried in the womb.”
“Now, a word to Catholics who would follow the dictates of their consciences instead of the dictates of the Vatican. Congratulations, you’re Protestant. Practice your singing,” Florence King once wrote in National Review.
in this issue: hot button issues: BISHOPS CONFERENCE / ROCK FOR LIFE / STOPP / TRAINING AND ACTIVISMelections: GOOD AND BAD NEWSeuthanasia: OREGONmorning-after abortion pill: DRUGSTORE.COM / MASSACHUSSETS /… Read More »Communique – Nov. 17, 2006
In the November 15 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ statement, “Happy Are Those Who Are Called to His Supper: On Preparing to Receive Christ Worthily in the Eucharist,”
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has finally released the long promised teaching statement on the Sacrament of Holy Communion. While we awaited this document with great hope, our expectations were very far from being fulfilled.
The proponents of euthanasia/physician-assisted-suicide are getting a bit overanxious in Oregon these days.