Good News
Every once in a while something amazing happens, and I love telling people about it.
Every once in a while something amazing happens, and I love telling people about it.
Just a little reminder for those of you who not receive the Wednesday report from Stop Planned Parenthood International.
I know you have heard that the U.S. House of Representatives just vote in favor of spending more tax payer dollars on human embryonic stem cell research, a vote that was not really a surprise, I might add.
in this issue: hot button issues: CONGRESS / GEORGIA / TRAINING AND ACTIVISMabortion: ECONOMIC IMPACT / MOTHERHOOD / NEGATIVE EFFECT ON MARRIAGE / RISK OF CANCERcatholics: LEADERSHIPculture of… Read More »Communique – Jan. 12, 2007
Very early in my life I learned a valuable lesson: when you manipulate the truth, you not only distort the subject you are discussing but you bring shame upon yourself as well.
No sooner did we comment on the great news about stem cells from amniotic fluid than the lead researcher in that effor
“The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 is a dreadful piece of legislation that, if approved, will further the unconscionable destruction of preborn persons,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
“American Life League is eager to lend support to the proposed legislation in Georgia which will define personhood as beginning at conception,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
Researchers from Harvard and Wake Forest report finding a plentiful source of stem cells in amniotic fluid.
A Texas company has started producing batches of ready-made embryos that single women and infertile couples can order after reviewing detailed information about the race, education, appearance, personality and other characteristics of the egg and sperm donors.
You have probably heard that right at the top of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s agenda is the promise of “hope to families with devastating diseases.”
It is a very simple concept. It is logical. With everything we now know, given the advances in technology, it is the only position that makes sense