Stranger Than Fiction Deadlier Than Infection
We have all heard it said that some viral infections like Ebola frequently cause death if not treated immediately and aggressively.
We have all heard it said that some viral infections like Ebola frequently cause death if not treated immediately and aggressively.
The 36th memorial of the infamous Supreme Court decisions, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, is upon us as I write this.
Judie Brown of the American Life League stressed that the outcome of the pro-life movement in America still depends solely on its own members.
Many of us who have followed the media, as they have gushed over our new president ever since he announced his candidacy, realize that there is a great deal about the man that is anything but clear.
American Life League’s press release of this past Thursday started a chain of events that is both heartwarming and instructive.
In light of a nationwide marketing campaign on the part of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. to capitalize on the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, American Life League challenged them Thursday on the propriety of using the phrase “freedom of choice” in their corporate announcement regarding a free doughnut giveaway on Jan. 20 – Inauguration Day.
Many years ago, one of my girlfriends called to tell me that a new women’s organization was forming in our small Ohio town, and she wondered if I would like to attend the first meeting with her.
Recently, a pro-life coworker sent us a very interesting letter that he had received from his congresswoman in response to his request that she vote no when and if the Freedom of Choice Act comes up for a vote in the House of Representatives.
“The next time you stare down a conveyor belt of slow-moving, hot, sugary glazed donuts at your local Krispy Kreme you just might be supporting President-elect Barack Obama’s radical support for abortion on demand – including his sweeping promise to sign the Freedom of Choice Act as soon as he steps in the Oval Office, Jan. 20.
Immediately after the election, I took the opportunity to share with our readers the facts regarding what would be in store for families, especially the youngest members.
Nothing is quite as exciting as encountering a strong, enthusiastic Catholic priest who is inspiring an entire parish to do God’s will, stand in the gap and defend the innocents.
Pro-life leaders Judie Brown, president of American Life League; David Bereit, leader of the 40 Days for Life campaign; adult stem cell pioneer Dr. Theresa Deisher; Kristi Burton of the Colorado Personhood movement; and Live Action Films president Lila Rose.