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Cows And Chemical Coat Hangers

Anna Anderson, the executive director of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Green County, Wisconsin, and is a friend of Stephenson County Right to Life Pro-Life Corner in Freepor

Maryland Considers Equal Rights For Persons

The state of Maryland has an interesting motto, written in Italian, which reads, Fatti maschii parole femine translated as Strong deeds, gentle words. That sounds so right, considering what the state legislature is about to address.

Catholic Cacophony

There’s been such a hodgepodge of things Catholic in the news this past week, that it could become mind-boggling if one did not sort it all out, or at least make an effort.

Obama’s Embryonic Stem Cell Order:

“It is a tragic day for America, for preborn children and for the entire pro-life community. A president who once claimed he wanted to reduce abortion has exposed his hypocrisy over and over again.