PPFA Shrinking in Size, Service Area, and Health Services Delivered
A new meta-study released this week by American Life League concludes that “Planned Parenthood grows increasingly dependent upon government funding for survival.
A new meta-study released this week by American Life League concludes that “Planned Parenthood grows increasingly dependent upon government funding for survival.
By Rob Gasper
Does the Church need to adapt to modern times? Judging from the spate of headlines after Pope Francis’ “bombshell” interview, it rather seems that the modern world needs to adapt to the Church.
Contrary to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America public relations and lobbying message, there is no correlation with PPFA community presence and reduced teen pregnancy.
Our nation’s acceptance of abortion is not unlike other nations that have turned a blind eye to evil rather than do the uncomfortable thing and stand up for truth.
For years, conservatives and pro-life groups have fought public tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood.
Two days ago, American Life League issued a full-length, documented report exposing Catholic Relief Services’ involvement with organizations that promote and, in some cases, directly commit abortion.
Catholic Relief Services is one of the most obvious paradoxes in current speech. Even while CRS strives to bring aid to help the poorest of the poor, its work is ultimately undone by the very organizations CRS is funding.
CRS continues to issue statements that it is being unfairly “attacked” regarding the groups it funds.
In modern times, skewing the image of the human being as a child of God, created in His image and likeness, is a process that started the day the first condom was sold in a vending machine early in the 1940s.
If it were not so disturbing, it would be a little bit humorous. Anyone who has had children knows the drill.
A few days ago former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was having a discussion with her five-year-old grandson about possible war in Syria.
In philosophy, we are taught that the first words are the most important in an argument.