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That’s Messed Up: The Recipe for This Election Cycle’s Birth Control Soup-Sandwich That Set Planned Parenthood Backtracking

By Rita Diller
What happens when you take copious amounts of hormonal carcinogens, steep in utter disregard for humanity, sprinkle with false compassion, stir all in a thinly veiled broth of vote grappling, and spike with pieces of women’s broken health, families torn asunder, and children dead and forgotten? You get something more messed up than the proverbial soup-sandwich.

Hypocrisy and Zero Tolerance Policies

Our culture has become one of violence violence toward women, toward children, and toward innocent preborn babies. This disregard for human life and the well-being of others is disturbing, and a trend we must right before our society falls deeper into the chasm of self-destruction.

Driving to Nebraska: Cinema, Human Dignity, and the Elderly

By Daniel Ross Goodman
Is it possible for a film that was nominated for six Oscars, was directed by one of Hollywood’s most highly regarded filmmakers, and features a career-best performance by one of the best actors of his generation to be overlooked? In the case of Nebraska (2013), the answer is yes.

Death Peddlers Have No Shame

Those who kill preborn babies may have no shame, but we who fight to give voice to these innocent children certainly do. We watch in horror as minute after minute, day after day, and week after week, babies are killed and discarded. The trail of blood is sickening and it’s a trail that we must work unceasingly to stop.