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Building a culture of life, one student at a time

The Culture of Life Studies Program for grades pre-K-12 offers teachers and parents a way to interact with students and help them understand and apply pro-life principles in all areas of study.

Our free resources and downloads help you teach the culture of life to your children and students.

Why do you need CLSP?

Forces in our culture ruthlessly attack the moral foundation of young people. They deny the dignity of the human person by promoting promiscuity, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, transgenderism, and euthanasia—all pillars of the culture of death. The current education system, including some private schools, incites unethical intellectual engagement and moral relativism. This leads young people to destructive behaviors and a self-centered mindset—and away from objective truth. Young people today deserve help in distinguishing the truth from the myriad of lies and the webs of deceit spun by the leaders of the culture of death.

With the Culture of Life Studies Program, parents and teachers will be equipped with the tools they need to educate young learners regarding respect for every human being using Catholic social teaching and pro-life principles. The result will be a new generation of young people who will defend preborn children, respect every human being at all stages of development—from creation to death—and who will speak the truth with confidence, shining a light into a world full of darkness.

More CLSP Resources




P.O. Box 6170
Falmouth, VA 22403