Wanted: A fair, honest Senate hearing for John Roberts
President Bush’s nomination of Judge John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court has garnered intense reaction from both the pro-abortion and pro-life voices in our country.
President Bush’s nomination of Judge John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court has garnered intense reaction from both the pro-abortion and pro-life voices in our country.
“At last, President Bush has put forward the name of a Supreme Court nominee who has an established track record that we can review,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
“The plight of Terri Schiavo has rightly raised concern about the care of the disabled,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
“It is with great sadness that we reflect upon the death of Terri Schiavo, an innocent victim of a heinous crime.
“October 3, 2005 will be a day for all Americans to stop and reflect upon the gruesome war being waged upon innocent children in the womb,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
Former Congressman Robert K. Dornan is joining American Life League’s efforts to protect and defend the lives of preborn children.
This Friday, March 25, pro-lifers will participate in the solemn Way of the Cross, which re-enacts Christ’s road to crucifixion, at thirteen abortion clinics in Miami.
Unfortunately Carol Marin completely missed the boat in her attempts to malign American Life League’s efforts in protecting preborn children from the brutal death of abortion.
Thanks to the help of local pilot Bob Gilbert, the message of American Life League’s Crusade for Life walkers will reach a much wider audience tomorrow, Saturday, July 23.
“The five pro-abortion public officials highlighting today’s 20th anniversary luncheon for Emily’s List each need to hear the Catholic Church’s teachings about abortion,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
“It is an understatement to say that filling a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court will enable President Bush to make a long-lasting impact on this nation’s judicial system,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
“What is happening to Terri Schiavo right now is truly a tragedy. Despite what Judge George Greer, the lawyers and the news media want the public to think, Terri Schiavo is not a ‘vegetable,’ nor is she ‘terminally ill.’