ALL Remembers Terri Schiavo on the Fourth Anniversary of her Murder
“I’ll never forget that Holy Week four years ago – the year we followed Christ’s passion and death through Terri Schiavo’s excruciating suffering and death.
“I’ll never forget that Holy Week four years ago – the year we followed Christ’s passion and death through Terri Schiavo’s excruciating suffering and death.
American Life League’s STOP Sebelius campaign geared into action Monday urging ALL supporters and the pro-life community to speak out against the confirmation of radically pro-abortion Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Department of Health and Human Services Secretary.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issued the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s planned address at the University of Notre Dame’s spring commencement where he is also set to receive an honorary degree.
The following statement was issued by American Life League president Judie Brown, regarding recommended wording changes to the North Dakota Personhood Bill.
The 2008 Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities in the United States shows the nation’s largest abortion chain has decreased its total number of facilities, but increased the number of facilities performing medical abortions.
American Life League is pleased and privileged to endorse the Maryland Personhood Amendment (HB 925). The following is a statement from Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
“It is a tragic day for America, for preborn children and for the entire pro-life community. A president who once claimed he wanted to reduce abortion has exposed his hypocrisy over and over again.
A new report from American Life League shows that, in the last two years, 61 additional Planned Parenthood facilities began offering medical abortions.
American Life League is asking Cardinal Roger Mahony if his public ban of a Holocaust-denying bishop signals his willingness to take a similar position on pro-abortion advocates in his own archdiocese and parish.
American Life League applauded today the historic introduction of the Vitter Amendment to the Omnibus appropriations bill (H.R. 1105).
American Life League launched a campaign today to oppose President Barack Obama’s nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issued the following statement on the nomination of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to Health and Human Services Secretary.