Catholic Bishops to Congress: If Not Now, When?
President of oldest Catholic pro-life group praises USCCB call for cutting funds to nation’s #1 abortion provider
President of oldest Catholic pro-life group praises USCCB call for cutting funds to nation’s #1 abortion provider
America’s first black president vows government shutdown before cutting funds to nation’s abortionist-in-chief
America’s first black president vows government shutdown before cutting funds to nation’s abortionist-in-chief
Call your Senators on Wednesday, April 13, to say “Defund Planned Parenthood!”
American Life League, headquartered in Stafford, VA, sent an Action Alert to all Associates and supporters in Virginia to oppose passage of Governor Bob McDonnell’s amendment to HB2434 and the Health Exchange bill itself.
“Catholic Congressional Supporters of Planned Parenthood Should be Excommunicated”
Pro-life group calls for national boycott of “collaborators”
Sets record high for abortion facilities, record low for total clinics: Annual watchdog report
Testifies personhood amendment could make state “crown jewel”
This is the fourth in a series of five Challenges that ALL issued to President Obama and Congress in light of the $200K Planned Parenthood (PP) ad blitz targeting Congress.
Right now, Representatives are back in their respective Congressional Districts for an entire week – giving us the perfect opportunity to send them a strong message that Planned Parenthood must be defunded.