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The Devil Made Me Do It!

Satan may be depicted as a red-horned creature, but his appearance is much more insidious. He comes to us through other people, through actions, through thoughts all of which may seem rather innocuous unless you truly examine them. It’s all too easy for thoughts to creep into our heads and hearts that make sins seem “not so bad” and that’s how Satan works. He chips away at morality one stone at a time, until there’s nothing left.

Baby Pandas, Human Babies, and the Press

A sweet newborn baby being loved and doted upon, every movement and sound watched and carefully noted. Sounds like a typical newborn human baby, but in this case, we are talking about a baby animal. Recently we were given a sad example of just how much more our society values animals than preborn babies. This discrepancy should sicken your stomach, should make you think, and should lead you to action.

Socially Polite Child Abuse

Most Americans do not think of abortion as child abuse. But as Mother Teresa once said, “Any country that accepts abortion is . . . teaching its people . . . to use any violence to get what they want.”

Forty-One Years Later the Cruelty Rages

Forty-one years have passed since the Supreme Court took away the rights of an innocent class of people and allowed them to be killed at will. Forty-one years of suffering have ensued. In addition to the millions of babies murdered, countless families ;mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, and other family members must live daily with the tragic loss of a child killed before he was born. But it is not too late to change minds and hearts to open them to a love for each and every human being. It is never too late to teach human beings how to love one another.

Talking about Abortion

Every life born and preborn has value and must be treated with dignity and respect. Abortion is the direct taking of a precious life and an act that often destroys other lives as well. But abortion is not something to be silent about. We must talk, we must teach, we must listen. And most of all, we must forgive.

Formed in the Womb? It Makes No Sense

The weight of words is significant and what we choose to say or convey to others often determines what they believe. So we must choose our words well, and with sufficient knowledge, so that there is a true understanding of the truth especially when it comes to matters related to Christ and His teachings.

Jahi McMath: A Precious Living Human Being

A young child’s life is threatened. Her family is devastated and suffering. Imagine the possibility of losing a child something no family should ever go through. And then imagine having to fight in court for her life. Today’s commentary explains what happened next.

Wishing You a Filthy New Year?

It is that time of year to evaluate your life, to examine behaviors, and to determine how to make the next year better. Today’s commentary shows us how Planned Parenthood plans to spend its next year and future years. Are you committed to making the world a better place or to merely watching what happens in the world? How will you resolve to act this coming year?

Is There Still No Room for Him at the Inn?

Our Lord Jesus Christ, who created us in His image and likeness, came into the world as a tiny baby over 2,000 years ago to save us from sin. We rejoice at this gift, at this perfect act of love. This Christmas season, let us open ourselves fully to Him, let us allow into our hearts the love He shares with us each and every day, and let us shower that love on all those around us.

Pope Francis and the Rumor Mill

Though we may not always understand the pope s actions, we must trust him to do God’s will. God’s will is not always clear to us right away, so often we must silence our hearts and listen, for when God speaks, we must be ready to hear.

POLST: Let the Signer Beware!

It’s normal to want to trust your doctor’s advice, to heed his every word when it comes to your own care, or the care of a loved one. You know he has taken the Hippocratic Oath and you believe he has your best interests at heart. But is that always the case? What happens when you have a serious or terminal illness? Will he still give you the care that everyone deserves? When it comes to POLST forms, education is key.

Contraceptive Worshippers Decry Fairness

Two cases coming before the Supreme Court are a reflection of the morality inherent in our society today. Rampant sexuality and the use of contraceptives seem to be the new norm. And many think their right to contraceptives should be provided by our tax dollars. What example will the court provide?