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American Catholic Bishops and the New Normal

When the Obama White House first announced that pro-abortion Catholic vice president Joe Biden would lead the United States delegation to the inaugural Mass for Pope Francis, a collective gasp was followed by a prayer that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops would make a public statement clarifying why the vice president could not receive the Eucharist.

Heroism in the Face of Scandal

There are many legitimate, professional news reports these days that are exposing heroism among Catholic bishops versus the creeping crud of secularism within the Church.

Cardinal Silliness

Now that Pope Benedict XVI has officially departed from the papacy, the news headlines are going mad, or at least suspiciously American, in the quest to raise the specter of a possible American pope.

Abortion is Crippling Honesty

The most recent case of America’s denial that the preborn child is a person once again reminds us that, culturally, our ability to deal honestly with our fellow human beings is so twisted that it becomes hideous to those with eyes to see.

Are Catholics Getting What We Deserve?

While Obamacare has been a topic of debate and discussion for the last four years, the Obama/Sebelius contraceptive mandate—complete with the recent vapid compromise—really raised the stakes for Catholics.

Fixing Our Kids

It is an ongoing dilemma, is it not? America’s young people don’t measure up to the academic standards of other nations, but when it comes to sex they are right up there in the top two or three.