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Holocaust Then and Now

We have frequently argued that one of the main reasons why we want to redefine the pro-life movement as the pro-human personhood movement is that it is a positive

Tragedy in a Test Tube

The feminist movement, once personified by Betty Friedan and her soul sisters, founders of the National Organization for Women, has moved far beyond its stated goal of equality for women.

Cardinal Dolan’s Mess

Recent headlines detail a rather confusing, but not surprising, situation involving Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York City, and New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo.

A Cardinal Dolan Flub

Recent headlines detail a rather confusing, but not surprising, situation involving Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York City, and New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo.

A Gosnell Lesson

The dust has settled now; a brutal killer has been found guilty of murder. The cowardly abortionist chose life in prison instead of appealing his case, thus avoiding the possibility of facing the death penalty, and life goes on.

‘Flush it’ Down the Toilet

The title of this article actually comes from a quote from an abortion facility employee in Bronx, New York. The live report came out thanks to the heroic efforts of the LIVE ACTION team of undercover investigators.