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Autopsy findings ultimately irrelevant

The results of Terri Schiavo’s autopsy provide some answers concerning her physical condition, but in no way do these findings justify the cruel death by dehydration that was imposed on a living human being.

Frozen thinking

Father Tad Pacholczyk, a Catholic bioethicist, told the Washington Post, “embryo adoptions would make Catholics complicit in test-tube fertilizations, which the church considers illicit.”

Clear as crystal

Next time you buy a box of Saran Wrap, designed to keep things fresh but clearly visible, maybe you will also think about Planned Parenthood.

Gallup to death

The May 17 Gallup Poll on euthanasia had many surprising twists and contradicts everything the Zogby poll reported.

The media is liberal … really!

The Media Research Center analyzed numbers on what the members of the press really think, and it should come as no surprise to any of us that according to one poll 68 percent of journalists voted for Kerry.

Banned for choosing life

Some things just boggle the blogged mind! And when I read the news story about high school senior Alysha Cosby, who was banned by her Catholic high school from graduation because she was with child, I nearly fell over.

Facts? Not really

The Alan Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood’s research arm) reports that the number of abortions in the United States is declining.

Risky businesss

The Breast Cancer Prevention Institute is hot on the heels of the latest government coverup, one that could result in even more deaths than it has already caused.