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A little Alito

We don’t usually make positive statements about political appointments or nominations until after we are certain that the person in question is really a true pro-life representative.

What’s in a name?

The news out of Topeka, Kansas proves a point – being a Republican is being whatever you want to be unless becoming a Democrat can aid in your defense of child killing.

Bad stuff comes home to roost

The New Jersey Legal Center for Defense of Life announced a victory for babies! A court has agreed that the center can proceed with its claim for an award of attorneys’ fees against the infamous Englewood abortion mill that is known publicly as Metropolitan Medical Services.

Opportunity beckons

Pro-death Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) is proposing that the U.S. Senate wait until a “date certain” in 2006 to vote yes or no on the human embryonic stem cell research funding bill (HR 810/S 471) that would lift the ban on government funding for the deadly practice.

What are we waiting for?

These are vexing times. We have seen the president nominate for a position on the Supreme Court a woman whose record is not just unclear but practically unknown.

Riddle or reality?

We all know that the Catholic Church is consistently attacked as being stuck in the dark ages because the Church refuses to recommend the use of condoms in preventing the spread of AIDS.

Leading us the wrong way

National Review senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru talks about recent “bad news” for pro-lifers, claiming that polls show an downsurge in the number of Americans who define themselves as pro-life.