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Naral’s Cristina Page

When I first read her diatribe, which attacked me by name, and extolled the virtues of the early abortion causing morning after pill, I failed to connect the dots.

Anti-life nonsense

Cristina Page recently wrote yet another biting article for the reproductive health conglomerate, one of a seemingly non-stop series of tirades against the people who dare to oppose promiscuity, contraception, abortion and other practices she and her cohorts see as essential to a happy life.

Aurora Shines Ever Brighter

I have always loved the word “aurora” because of my fascination with the Aurora Borealis. However my love for the good people of Aurora, Illinois surpasses any enthusiasm I have had about mere bright lights in the sky.

No real help

Who are the primary teachers of our children? As an educator, I would often tell my students’ parents that, although I was their child’s classroom teacher, it is always the parents who are the primary teachers

Forcing Right To Lifers To Win

Just when my coffee had barely reached the point of helping me wake up, I read a news report that riled me beyond belief. I am now wide awake, thanks to Missouri Right to Life’s placation of the culture of death.

Dollars Yes, Babies No

The manufacturer of the so-called emergency contraceptive Plan B, Barr Labs, is claiming that sales of the deadly drug are so successful that nobody should question the value of handing over these pills to women of any age over the counter.

Signing For Life

I read an article recently that goes to the central reason why we are pro-life Americans who are seeking justice for our fellow preborn brothers and sisters.