Fire In Our Pro Life Struggle
I have been visiting various European countries and have been out of touch with you, but certainly not out of touch with insipring sermons, the most recent of which I heard in Edinburgh, Scotland.
I have been visiting various European countries and have been out of touch with you, but certainly not out of touch with insipring sermons, the most recent of which I heard in Edinburgh, Scotland.
In recent days, a couple of ideas have flowed from the minds of pundits that suggest paving new paths for pro-life thought and action regarding abortion law.
I was elated to read that abortionist George Tiller may finally be found guilty of the crimes he has been committing for so many years.
She was carrying her fourth child and had scheduled an abortion because she was afraid that due to her ingestion of antibiotics during her pregnancy the baby might have suffered negative side effects.
I have been travelling in Eastern Europe for the past two weeks and have been somewhat out of touch with news, but during a conversation with a young Hungarian mom, the reality of why we are pro-life really struck home.
Pope Benedict’s recent document concerning the Catholic Church has raised a number of hackles, especially among those who take issue with the idea that Jesus Christ started one church and not many.
The other working title for this article was “Meet the Manipulators.” That accurately assesses the common thread running through a number of seemingly unrelated occurrences involving Planned Parenthood.
I have frequently said that the entire industry labelled as reproductive heath care is based on one simple philosophy: if you can make money by deceiving the patient, then go for it.
“If you were waiting for the opportune moment,” said Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, “that was it.”
The headline blares: “Lousiana becomes first state to outlaw late-term abortion procedure.” Outlaw? Not quite.
Bobby Schindler has been more than courageous during the entire period since his dear sister Terri’s death at the hands of her husband, Michael Schiavo.
I have always known that those who advocate the environmentalist creed of hugging trees and keeping the air free of chemicals had a tendency to be off the radar screen when it comes to respecting the dignity of the human person, but I recently got a timely reminder that my assumptions are correct.