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Pro-Life Memorial Day

In the midst of all the clamoring, posturing and bickering of the election season, it is easy to get swept up in discussions on how to vote, if one should vote and why it is important to vote.

Kitten Kitten I Mean Baby Baby

While in Vienna recently, I had the chance to meet a young man who has been married for nearly four years. He and his wife are waiting to have a baby because they simply, according to him, cannot afford it right now.

Babies Are A Drag?

It seems, if you took this article seriously, that couples having children and thus increasing the Australian fertility rate is cause for concern, if not alarm, at least among those who keep statistics and appear dedicated to preserving the country’s ecological balance.

Preposterous Panacea

The birth control pill came on the scene in 1960 and has, in the intervening 48 years, become the magic bullet for organizations like Planned Parenthood, for belief systems like secular humanism and for pharmaceutical profiteers the world over.

A Nurse With A Mission

Lolita Hanks, R.N. is one of the most delightful people I have ever met. She is dedicated to the principles that affirm human beings as persons; these are the same principles that make supporters of the culture of death shudder.

Rhetorical Rubbish Or A Warning To Pro-Lifers?

There are so many commentaries for and against abortion these days that we can frequently be lulled into thinking they are all blather and thus can be ignored. But in the case of most writings in the journal Contraception, it would be a huge error to think this way.