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The Clarity of Catholic Teaching is Beautiful

There have been some remarkable and inspiring recent statements on the subject of politics and faith that are important to bring to your attention. These statements are not only clear, but reflective of the type of leadership so badly needed in the Catholic Church today.

Tiller the ‘Healer’

A complaint has been filed with the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts demanding the emergency suspension of the medical licenses of George R. Tiller and Shelley Sella, whose involvement in a late-term abortion last week nearly cost the life of a 23-year-old woman.

Birth Control Merchants

The news from the reproductive health front is not good these days for preborn children, but it is for those who cash in on the sexually transmitted disease, sterility and unplanned pregnancy market.

Gloomy Gus Would Be in Tears!

The 1904 comic strip character Gloomy Gus was habitually depressed or, one could say, without hope. So too are those who dabble in the dreary business of violating our most vulnerable brothers and sisters’ rights.

Aborting Truth

A recent headline caught my attention on a number of levels because it had to do with demographics and abortion.

A Brad Pitt Moment

A few days ago, I had a very strange experience. While reading a news report about Brad Pitt’s donation of “$100,000 to fight California’s November ballot proposal that would overturn the state Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage,”

Catholic Politicking

As many of you follow my commentaries on Church law, specifically Phoenix Bishop Thomas Olmsted. I take issue with many things the Catholic bishops do, or in a few cases, fail to do.