Archdiocese of Boston Pandering Again!
It came as a complete surprise to me when the Archdiocese of Boston backed down on its statement regarding the “All Are Welcome” pro-homosexual Mass which was scheduled to be celebrated at St.
It came as a complete surprise to me when the Archdiocese of Boston backed down on its statement regarding the “All Are Welcome” pro-homosexual Mass which was scheduled to be celebrated at St.
Yesterday I wrote about an article in the UK Daily Mail written by a mother who chose to kill her [preborn] son who was diagnosed with spina bifida.
The statement is probably long overdue, though it’s clear the Church has never condoned direct killing for any reason.
[Twelve]-year-old Alice Saunders was recently denied a plane ticket by British Airways staff because she has Down syndrome.
When I read the latest report on what the Washington Times termed the “economy of sex,” I wasn’t really expecting to read an analysis of the very thing Pope Paul VI warned about way back in 1968!
There are times when a Scripture reading sort of smacks me upside my head, and that happened a couple of days ago.
It seems a bit counter-intuitive to discuss reasons to be optimistic about the US economy. Every day we hear reasons to fear the worst—high unemployment figures, two costly wars and, of course, that mind-boggling amount of debt.
Sometimes Gallup polls strike me the wrong way. One of the most recent, entitled “Cloning Still Unpopular: Gallup Poll” falls into that category.
Yesterday, I heard the most terrifying words come out of the mouth of a young woman who, on a video, was describing her chosen brand of contraception. She said by subjecting herself to this contraception she would avoid the “Homo sapiens parasite problem.”
There are a number of hot battles going on in Washington, DC and across the country this year. We have budgets with deficits, raising the national debt limit.
Encouragement comes about in all sorts of ways, the traditional and the nontraditional—including postings on Facebook pages, videos on YouTube and through many other venues that just a few short years ago were unheard of. Imagine, for example, “tweeting” a friendly greeting ten years ago. Nobody would have known what you were talking about.
In May 2010, Planned Parenthood Federation of America president Cecile Richards visited Cedar Rapids to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa.