Are Human Rights Just Mere Words?
Recently we reprinted an outstanding article entitled “The Erosion of Human Rights” that had been published in the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.
Recently we reprinted an outstanding article entitled “The Erosion of Human Rights” that had been published in the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.
Many cities across the nation hold annual Down syndrome Buddy Walks which promote “acceptance and inclusion” of people with Down syndrome.
The administration’s decision results from an Institute of Medicine recommendation less than a month ago that argued that the use of birth control would curtail the number of unwanted pregnancies and thus reduce the abortion rate.
Judie Brown’s commentary entitled “Caylee Anthony” contains a scientific error that should be corrected. In that commentary Brown writes, “This may sound callous to those people who do not equate a preborn baby—zygote, embryo, and fetus—with someone as adorable as a three-year-old child.”
Contrary to their false claims, the billboards were not removed due to their opposition; they were removed because of expiration.
A crisis of facts exists among the many folks who hold pro-life leadership roles. This came to the public view most recently when the Institute of Medicine issued its recommendations for full coverage of birth control for everyone, thus making it free at our expense.
When the recent Institute of Medicine recommendations came to light last Tuesday, there was a deluge of media commentary that followed.
Catholics have not done a good (or even adequate) job of addressing the attacks on marriage.
Not much surprises us in these days of deception. In fact, when a known abortionist is aligned with a Catholic hospital.
During the mid 1990s, while visiting the monastery at EWTN, Mother Angelica, foundress of EWTN, asked Jim and Joanne Wright to return home to Buffalo,… Read More »Station of the Cross
The field of bioethics, which is a fairly recent phenomenon in the history of mankind, has always been a slippery slope, as there is a huge difference between the natural law and the bioethical framework of committees or individuals making up the rules as they move along.
In an era awash with concern for civil guarantees, is it possible that science and medicine actually erode human rights? Difficult to believe, but that is exactly what is happening.