Breaking through the Abortion Nightmare
The first time I ever heard the name Abby Johnson I was fascinated by the information I received about her.
The first time I ever heard the name Abby Johnson I was fascinated by the information I received about her.
With the United States and the world facing the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, everyone is asking: “How did we get here? And when will we get out of it?”
President Obama’s positions on “social issues” have never been known as consistent or logical.
To obstinately deny an infallible teaching of the Catholic Church is an act of heresy.
American Life League is in the final stages of preparing for the 2012 Pill Kills symposium.
June 7 marks the 47th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Griswold v. Connecticut decision.
This past April 13, reported that Bayer was going to pay at least $100 million to settle about 500 lawsuits regarding injuries and death connected with the use of its Yasmin line of birth control which includes Yasmin and Yaz.
There never has been another Tigger. And just as the wonderful thing about Tigger is that he was the only one, the wonderful thing about ethics is that there should only be one standard.
St. Paul was a ferocious defender of truth. When the Corinthian Jews turned against his teaching that said that Jesus was the Christ, St. Paul did not seek ways to placate them.
By and large, we no longer refer to the profoundly disabled by the nasty term “human weeds” anymore, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped treating them as less than human.
In the parade of assaults on innocent persons prior to birth, perhaps nothing is more egregious than the embrace of the status quo.
The Catholic community is abuzz with the news that Georgetown University has invited Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) secretary, pro-abortion Catholic Kathleen Sebelius, to be a speaker during graduation weekend.