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The Gospel of Fluke

Ever since the Obama administration chose to ramrod a policy that is anathema to Catholic doctrine, we have seen all sorts of machinations emanating from the media, twisting and mollifying the argument in order to remove clarity from exactly what it is Obama is attempting to do.

Contraception: The Avoidable Taproot

In all the commentary that has been written on the Obama contraceptive mandate, I have yet to see the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) pronounce the fact that, regardless of the president’s action, Catholic people should never fall prey to the evils of contraception.

HHS Mandate Insulting and Dangerous

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services refused on Jan. 20 to broaden the exception to its mandate that nearly all Catholic employers must cover contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization in their healthcare plans.

Obama’s Reprehensible Dogma

The president recently told 3,000 attendees at the National Prayer Breakfast, “We know that part of living in a pluralistic society means that our personal religious beliefs alone can’t dictate our response to every challenge we face.”