Motherhood Giving Purpose
Motherhood is one of the strongest things a woman can do to embrace her femininity.
Motherhood is one of the strongest things a woman can do to embrace her femininity.
It is amazing. Our Lord has just freed a man from a legion of demons, a man that presumably these folks had, at one time, counted as one of their own and had been living among tombs in such a state that not even chains could hold him.
As we move further and further into 2017, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its various affiliates across the country have started to lose a great deal of support.
One radio show ends the fence straddling over Planned Parenthood.
The two greatest feasts of the Christian calendar focus on the theme of God as the Creator and Author of Life, both the temporal life and the eternal life that He prepares for us in heaven.
The only way to change a culture is to change hearts and minds.
The goal in fighting against Planned Parenthood has always been the same for us: “To cause such discontent with Planned Parenthood’s programs that it will have no choice but to close its doors and get out of town.”
The sanctity of marriage is under attack in our society.
In 2015, Canada’s Supreme Court struck down the nation’s laws against assisted suicide.
The Guttmacher Institute recently released its latest report on the number of abortions in the United States.
You’re pro-life. You pray to end abortion and talk about pro-life issues in your circle of friends.
The #ProtestPP rallies earlier this month sparked a debate between Planned Parenthood and more radical abortion groups, particularly those with a socialist bent.