Planned Parenthood Is Worried
In all probability, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s president, Cecile Richards, hasn’t had a really good night’s sleep since the November elections.
In all probability, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s president, Cecile Richards, hasn’t had a really good night’s sleep since the November elections.
There is something absolutely amazing going on in the current pro-life movement.
Everyone loves stories. That’s one of the reasons Jesus taught many of His lessons through parables.
“Mom, I’m pregnant,” whispered the voice on the phone.
Planned Parenthood has been lying for decades.
Technology is helping save lives. To win the battle against the culture of death, we have to be creative.
The mantra “Every child should be a wanted child,” adopted by Planned Parenthood and other promoters of abortion, has effects on several levels.
Last night, as I watched the State of the Union Address from President Trump, I noticed that a vast majority of the Democrat women in the crowd were wearing white.
Recently I read about a family that took a stranger into their home.
Five years ago, we ran two stories in the Wednesday STOPP Report about how Planned Parenthood uses bullying tactics to try to force others to give it what it wants.
Many people ask the question: What if a pregnancy poses a threat to the health or life of the mother?
One of the signs and slogans showcased during the recent Women’s March on Washington was “Well behaved women seldom make history.”