Who Are the True Suffragettes?
Last night, as I watched the State of the Union Address from President Trump, I noticed that a vast majority of the Democrat women in the crowd were wearing white.
Last night, as I watched the State of the Union Address from President Trump, I noticed that a vast majority of the Democrat women in the crowd were wearing white.
Recently I read about a family that took a stranger into their home.
Five years ago, we ran two stories in the Wednesday STOPP Report about how Planned Parenthood uses bullying tactics to try to force others to give it what it wants.
Many people ask the question: What if a pregnancy poses a threat to the health or life of the mother?
One of the signs and slogans showcased during the recent Women’s March on Washington was “Well behaved women seldom make history.”
We urge you to take action and contact your senators.
The pro-life movement has grown immensely over the past few years.
Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, brings a unique voice to discussions of love, marriage, sexuality, and the family.
In the Gospel of Matthew (11.25-30) you will find a much loved passage where Jesus says “Come to me, all you who weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
As a 23-year-old woman I consider myself extremely independent and aware of my rights.
A wife shows us how to truly love in the face of adversity.
This week the Guttmacher Institute came out with a new report on national abortion numbers in the United States for 2013 and 2014.