Blimey, They Did It Again
By Jim Sedlak A year ago, the world prayed for 11-month-old Charlie Gard and his parents. Charlie had suffered brain damage and was breathing with… Read More »Blimey, They Did It Again
By Jim Sedlak A year ago, the world prayed for 11-month-old Charlie Gard and his parents. Charlie had suffered brain damage and was breathing with… Read More »Blimey, They Did It Again
By Jim Sedlak A few years ago, I was speaking with a well-known pro-life leader who quit a good paying job in the secular world… Read More »I’ve Got Your Back
By Jim Sedlak In the United States, the month of April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. According to the Childhelp website: “In 1979, through encouragement… Read More »Child Abuse Prevention
By Jim Sedlak There is a tendency among the general pro-life community, including myself, to focus all legal battles on the makeup of the Supreme… Read More »Let the Supreme Court Decide
Read these insightful words from the second place winner in Category 2 of CLSP’s Pro-Life Essay Contest.
Planned Parenthood runs the largest abortion chain in the United States.
Today’s guest commentary is from a young pro-lifer who won Third Place in ALL’s Pro-Life Essay Contest.
Not everyone is called to work in a pro-life organization or formally debate others on the topic of abortion, but we all need to work together if we want to transform our culture.
You are the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and this past weekend was the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
This past weekend, women around the United States marched to assert that women’s access to abortion, synthetic birth control, and reproductive technologies are under serious threat.
The culture of life is not an abstract concept. It’s a way of life directed by the deepest respect for the human person.
This amazing young woman won second place in CLSP’s Pro-Life Essay Contest. Read her inspiring words here.