Week in Review
David Daleiden Enters Plea Deal in Connection to His Undercover Work Exposing Planned Parenthood
David Daleiden, who has been in a legal battle with the state of California for nearly 10 years, can finally breathe a sigh of relief.
In 2015, Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress, released several undercover videos that exposed Planned Parenthood for selling and profiting off aborted baby body parts. The videos caused a massive stir, but no investigation was ever conducted on Planned Parenthood. Instead, then CA attorney general Kamala Harris went after Daleiden and his team.
This week, CMP announced that Daleiden had reached a plea deal with the state of California. He pleaded “no contest” to the charges. A press release from CMP explained, “The new ‘no contest’ plea—which cannot be used adversely—will be entered into judgment as a misdemeanor in 6 to 12 months, and then converted to a ‘not guilty’ plea, dismissed, and expunged.”
Daleiden stated in the same release that this is “a huge victory for my investigative reporting and for the public’s right to know the truth about Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby body parts.”
The state of California, on the other hand, is taking the plea deal as a victory. CA attorney general Rob Bonta stated in a release, “While the Trump Administration is issuing pardons to individuals convicted of harming reproductive health clinics and providers, my office is securing criminal convictions to ensure that Californians can exercise their constitutional rights to reproductive healthcare.”
The state is claiming they have secured a felony conviction for Daleiden, even though they later state he pled no contest to the charges.
Social Media Platforms Begin Blocking Abortion Pill Resources and Accounts
In a surprising turn of events regarding social media and past censorship of pro-life accounts, a new report from The New York Times states that several abortion pill providers’ posts were blocked, suspended, or blurred this week on both Instagram and Facebook. According to the article, Meta Platforms removed many of the death peddler’s accounts from appearing in the search feature on its platforms, blurred pictures with information on how people can access the deadly pills, and suspended a few of their accounts. These included large abortion pill groups such as Hey Jane and Aid Access.
Unsurprisingly, The New York Times article shows sympathy toward the abortion pill providers, stating that they are facing censorship amid their “struggle” of providing women “healthcare.” Many of the comments on the article’s post via Instagram included much outcry from pro-abortionists, claiming that it is “dystopian” and “against free speech” to prevent abortion groups from encouraging and providing information to someone on how to kill their child through the abortion pill. Unfortunately, Meta has restored two of the abortion pill provider accounts to their respective platform since the complaints started rolling in from the pro-abortion side.
The truth of the matter is that the abortion pill kills an innocent child growing inside of the womb. It is a horrific tragedy that these pills have been legalized, promoted, and downplayed by our country’s leadership. These pills kill a preborn child while often physically and psychologically harming their mothers.
This situation reminds us that we must start speaking in truth and with courage on what the abortion pill is and does and why it is reprehensible that abortion pill groups are profiting from the murder of preborn babies. Let us demand and encourage Meta and other Internet platforms to take down these sites and postings that promote and encourage the murder of a baby. Our voices must ring louder for the defenseless.
ALL in the News
Katie Brown was quoted in a Bloomberg Law article on the “Born Alive” bill introduced to save babies born during abortions. Brown called the law the “bare minimum.” Read her comments in the article linked here.
Last week, the biweekly Wednesday STOPP Report was sent out to its list of pro-life advocates. Read the full report linked here.
Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—wrote an article about the Feast of St. John Bosco, which we celebrate today. She also penned an op-ed on caring for the sick that was published by Catholic World Report.
Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org.
Pro-Life Education
Culture of Life Studies Program
St. Valentine: Teaching the Culture of Life through the Lives of the Saints: This mini lesson about St. Valentine shows K-4th grade students how to use Valentine’s Day to spread the pro-life message that everyone matters, everyone is valuable, and everyone is loved. We include two sets of Valentine templates that you can print on cardstock and decorate to help make others feel special on Valentine’s Day! For a limited time, this lesson is just $1! ORDER HERE
ALL’s Education Materials
Why Do We Oppose Planned Parenthood? This eye-opening brochure provides the facts concerning PP’s objectives, such as advocating for premarital “safe sex” for teens, the abortion solution, profiting at the expense of preborn babies, and reducing minority populations. Reading and sharing this brochure will help educate you and the people around you about the shameful truth that PP does not care about people; it cares only about profits. SHOP NOW
Pro-Life Social Media
Amnesty International Is One of the ‘Bad Guys’
Amnesty International considers itself a global watchdog that campaigns to end abuses against human rights. It claims to be “fighting the bad guys.” Two weeks ago it advocated for and succeeded in convincing Joe Biden to commute the life sentence of a man who murdered two FBI agents.
So what does Amnesty International have to say about the murder of preborn children?
Its position on the abuses against babies not yet born prove that Amnesty International is, in truth, one of the bad guys.
Nonprofits like Amnesty International are guilty of a lot of twisted thinking. It’s why we provide the Charity Watchlist. It helps pro-life advocates make informed decisions regarding nonprofits and whether they are worthy of charitable giving. See it for yourself HERE.