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Pro-Life This Week October 11, 2024

Week in Review

Planned Parenthood Is Closing Clinics, but Death Is in the Mail

STOPP is energized when Planned Parenthood closes clinics. The killing mills are a blight on our humanity and our communities. We thank the Lord for every clinic that closes.

And we have been heartened this week by the news that Delaware Planned Parenthood is closing a major surgical center that they recently built and maintained. After only a few years of killing, they are shuttering the clinic in Seaford, Delaware. This closure comes after the faithful community in Delaware gathered for prayer over and over again. The people also raised their voices to local leaders and petitioned for the closure. Congratulations! You are truly doing God’s work! Read all the details here

In Missouri, the news is even bigger: Planned Parenthood of Missouri has announced that they will close three clinics! This is wonderful and will stop killing in those communities. Unfortunately, when you read a little closer, you will notice that Planned Parenthood is planning to expand telehealth abortions and abortion pills by mail using their large St. Louis clinic. The fight goes on and on and on. Lord, lift us. 

One of the great challenges in the time after the overturning of Roe v. Wade has been to see the vision forward. Building the culture of life is not about one or two lawsuits or even about a conservative Supreme Court. Building a culture of life is about ourselves, our families, and staying close to our Lord. We continue this fight.

But we also must recognize that the change in tactics for the killing is dramatic. Planned Parenthood, aided by the US mail, is delivering death into the homes of American citizens. Without true medical supervision and without any sense of the person and what a woman is going through, the killing pills arrive by mail. We should be praying and working for leaders to stop this madness.

ALL’s recent report on the abortion pills has been a tool that we can use to ask state and local officials to join in this fight. The media is paying attention, the churches are galvanized, and we the people are rising up in opposition. Click here to read the report and get yourself informed for the fight.

Hope for Healthcare: Pro-Life Dual Medical School and Hospital to Open in Michigan 

Catholic Healthcare International, a Catholic healthcare organization under the direction of Church leaders such Cardinal Raymond Burke, announced this week that it is set to open a Catholic pro-life medical school and hospital, Casa USA, in Howell, Michigan. This news comes following the 2009 collaboration agreement between CHI and Italian hospital Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, which was founded by St. Padre Pio in 1956. CHI has been working with the Casa in Italy for 15 years to make this possible and now is proposing a 2026 date to open the hospital and medical program in Michigan, modeling itself on the framework and mission of the Casa. According to the initial news report, CHI has acquired a 140,000 square-foot hospital and is seeking accreditation for the medical school. The initiatives of CHI and Casa Italy’s collaboration include:

  • Maintain absolute loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
  • Duplicate Padre Pio’s Home for The Relief of Suffering (CSS) in the United States and other areas around the world.
  • Emulate the structure, name, operation, organization, etc. as closely as possible to that of Padre Pio’s Casa.
  • Establish a Catholic Medical School, fully faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church & in the charism of Padre Pio, to form physicians and healthcare providers to practice as faithful Catholics in the secular world.
  • Operate the new network of Casa’s as “Clinics for the Body & the Soul” for our “guests” (From the words of Padre Pio).

CHI also announced that its goals will include an “embryo orphanage, a center for unborn children, a birthing unit, a family medicine practice, and the Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured.” How beautiful that such a hospital will exist to protect life at every stage and that a medical school will instruct future healthcare workers how to care for all human lives. 

As Dr. George Mychaskiw said of the program, “This medical school will armor physicians with the faith and truth to stand with their patients, protecting the lives and dignity of the most vulnerable.” 

Please join us in praying for the success of such a necessary healthcare program in the United States. St. Padre Pio, pray for us!

ALL in the News

ALL’s new report on the abortion pill regimen garnered an influx of media attention, with stories still hitting the media this week. Katie Brown was a guest on The Drew Mariani Show to discuss the report, and ALL’s press release was featured on the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators website. 

Last week, ALL’s Katie Brown was a guest on EWTN’s Pro-Life Weekly. Written media included two articles from The Washington Standthe first linked here and the second here. More media came from stories in The Christian Post, Live ActionThe Daily SignalNational Catholic RegisterCatholic VoteThe Washington TimesCatholic World Report,LifeSiteNews, Pregnancy Help News, and SRN News.   

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—wrote an article featured in the Catholic World Report this week. She also wrote about CLSP’s essay contest for students in 5th-12th grade. The contest runs throughout this month.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Dr. Jérôme Lejeune and Trisomy 21: Created for students in 7th and 8th grade, this lessonuncovers the greatest discovery of modern genetics—the cause of Down syndrome. Dr. Lejeune was a brilliant scientist, a saintly man, and an outspoken advocate for those with Down syndrome. Using every opportunity to speak on behalf of preborn babies and people with disabilities, Dr. Lejeune was a pro-life hero who sacrificed his career and worldly honors in order to speak the truth about the horrors of abortion. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

The Doctor Has Advised You: Advice for Parents Expecting a Special Child: What do you say and do when you find out that you’re expecting a child who has a disability? How do you prepare? This beautiful brochure, with timely advice from a beloved priest, will help you navigate. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Mother’s Testimony of Choosing Life Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

Being a teen mom comes with tremendous challenges. Being a teen mom of a preborn baby who is given a fatal diagnosis is crushing.  

In 2023, a preborn baby girl named Sophie was diagnosed with a fatal condition called bilateral renal agenesis, meaning her body developed without kidneys. Fortunately for the teen mother, she had supportive parents and church leaders. A clip of her story has gone viral and is worth watching because she is a shining example of bravery in the face of tragedy.

Ava’s full story can be found on YouTube.