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WSR: 2024-10-10

  • Though Planned Parenthood is closing more clinics than it is opening, it seems to be shifting gears to death delivered via the mail.
  • One of PP’s highest paid CEOs recently announced his retirement, but we know that his 30-year tenure is nothing to boast about.
  • ALL recently released a report about the devastating effects of the abortion pill. Read and share it with friends and family.

By Ed Martin

STOPP is energized when Planned Parenthood closes clinics. The killing mills are a blight on our humanity and our communities. We thank the Lord for every clinic that closes.

And we have been heartened this week by the news that Delaware Planned Parenthood is closing a major surgical center that they recently built and maintained. After only a few years of killing, they are shuttering the clinic in Seaford, Delaware. This closure comes after the faithful community in Delaware gathered for prayer over and over again. The people also raised their voices to local leaders and petitioned for the closure. Congratulations! You are truly doing God’s work! Read all the details here

In Missouri, the news is even bigger: Planned Parenthood of Missouri has announced that they will close three clinics! This is wonderful and will stop killing in those communities. Unfortunately, when you read a little closer, you will notice that Planned Parenthood is planning to expand telehealth abortions and abortion pills by mail using their large St. Louis clinic. The fight goes on and on and on. Lord, lift us. 

One of the great challenges in the time after the overturning of Roe v. Wade has been to see the vision forward. Building the culture of life is not about one or two lawsuits or even about a conservative Supreme Court. Building a culture of life is about ourselves, our families, and staying close to our Lord. We continue this fight.

But we also must recognize that the change in tactics for the killing is dramatic. Planned Parenthood, aided by the US mail, is delivering death into the homes of American citizens. Without true medical supervision and without any sense of the person and what a woman is going through, the killing pills arrive by mail. We should be praying and working for leaders to stop this madness.

ALL’s recent report on the abortion pills has been a tool that we can use to ask state and local officials to join in this fight. The media is paying attention, the churches are galvanized, and we the people are rising up in opposition. Click here to read the report and get yourself informed for the fight.

By Katherine Van Dyke

Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties announced last week that Jon Dunn, its CEO of 31 years, is set to retire in July 2025. Dunn is the highest paid male CEO in Planned Parenthood, earning a total compensation of $692,905 in the 2023 fiscal year. He is also the third-highest paid Planned Parenthood CEO in the entire organization, falling short only to Planned Parenthood’s president Alexis McGill Johnson and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles, Sue Dunlap

Planned Parenthood unsurprisingly listed Dunn’s “accomplishments” as expanding the number of Planned Parenthood facilities in both counties, sending women contraceptives via orders placed on Planned Parenthood’s mobile app, and launching Planned Parenthood’s “Abortion Aid” program to provide travel and accommodations for women seeking abortions in California post-Roe. 

Dunn’s disgraceful record doesn’t end there. He was featured in an LA Times article in 2023 where he boasted of his perceived achievements for “reproductive rights.” Dunn proudly noted in the article that he was influential in ensuring that PPOSBC began offering abortions in 1997:

Actually, we didn’t provide any abortions in Orange County at all when I first came to PPOSBC. We had a couple of doctors in Tustin that did abortions for our patients. We referred about 130 to 150 patients to them a year and they took care of them well. . . . I had to go to the board of directors and say there really isn’t going to be good access to abortion services in Orange County and San Bernardino County if we don’t step up and do it ourselves.

Dunn continues to boast in this article of all the services PPOSBC now provides since he began his tenure there, including“gender-affirming care” and vasectomies. Additionally, Dunn was recognized in 2023 as one of Orange County’s 125 Most Influential People.

There is no “dignity and respect,” as Dunn claims PPOSBC provides for its patients, when thousands of preborn children are being murdered through abortion. There is no care and compassion in providing people with the drugs to mutilate their bodies and reject the way God created them. Actions by men like Dunn are disgraceful and should not be regarded with praise. While Planned Parenthood searches for a new CEO for this affiliate, we will continue to expose the lies, deceit, and destruction caused by the abortion giant.

Please help us by sharing with others the important STOPP report on abortion pills. You can find it on our website. It’s not a lengthy report, but it is important. Please download it or copy the link and send it to your friends and family.

Also, please watch this incredible appearance by ALL’s Katie Brown on EWTN as she discusses the pill report and the dangers to women posed by the abortion pill (not to mention the fact that they kill babies).

Katie nails it!

Ask your friends and family to join us in this fight for life.

Because so many of you asked for it, we have just created a new express email address so you can easily get in touch with us at STOPP. Over the past few months, we have found that people had questions, comments, and other information that they wanted to relay to us.  

The email address will be monitored 24 HOUR A DAY. If you have any questions or tips for us, please send them to

Momentum is building in the fight against Planned Parenthood. In the past three weeks alone we have had four different local pro-lifers contact us so we could begin a plan for working together. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us about getting Planned Parenthood out of your town. We must keep building our army of informed citizens.

Planned Parenthood is an enemy of life, and we need to fight back. I hope to hear from you.