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Pro-Life This Week September 27, 2024

Action Alert

Register Now for Rosary Coast to Coast on Sunday, October 6

This October, devoted Catholics of all ages across North America are uniting in prayer. Many will meet face to face in familiar locations. Others can participate in spirit. You are invited to join in this extraordinary movement of prayer that is designed to mobilize and energize multigenerational groups of children and families.

The 2024 Rosary Coast to Coast will take place on Sunday, October 6. Start organizing rosary rallies and register them here. The rallies are encouraged to be in public places: along coasts and borders, at state capitols, in parks, on beaches, along busy streets, and outside churches and shrines.

Rosary Coast to Coast will be anchored by the National Rosary Rally in front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC. Plan to join together across the country in praying the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary simultaneously at 4 pm Eastern, 3 pm Central, 2 pm Mountain, 1 pm Pacific, noon Alaska, and 10 am Hawaii.

REGISTER ONLINE FOR FREE for the live-stream National Eucharistic Procession, National Rosary Rally, and Rosary Coast to Coast taking place on Sunday October 6 in Washington, DC.

Week in Review

Abortion Pills: The Latest Illegal Imports Flowing into the US

American Life League’s deep dive into the emerging abortion pill industry shows that the federal government is enabling cartel-style networks to illegally distribute the DIY medication abortion combo—mifepristone and misoprostol—on a massive scale. The Food and Drug Administration’s 2023 removal of in-person regulations for obtaining the drugs and the United States Postal Service’s neglect in investigating the illegal distribution of these drugs through the mail allows it to expand unchecked.

A new report from American Life League entitled Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel, released on September 25, 2024, describes a network modeled after notorious drug cartels, fueling a mounting epidemic of unrestricted, self-administered abortions rivaling America’s deadly drug crisis.

United States drug overdose deaths in 2023 topped 107,000, while more than six times that number of children were killed through DIY abortion. There has been an avalanche of political concern over the massive amounts of fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and even cannabis that flow freely into the United States by way of Mexican cartels. But little attention has been paid to the trafficking of the pills used in DIY chemical abortions, which are flying over borders into America from foreign countries in staggering quantities.

“Women across America are accessing these pills at an astonishing rate, despite the increased protections for preborn children that many states have implemented since the fall of Roe v. Wade,” observed Katie Brown, American Life League national director. “It’s clear that the FDA has dropped the ball on this. As the government agency charged with oversight of drugs coming into this country, they have failed. And where is the USPS? The post office is supposed to screen packages for illegal items, yet black-market abortion drugs are being mailed into every state.”

American Life League’s research uncovered an ongoing network funneling this duo of abortion-inducing drugs from foreign countries into states with legislative abortion bans on the books.

Key findings in Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel include:

  • Mexico-based Las Libres illegally ships black-market abortion pills to American states and US territories that restrict abortion. This is just one of multiple “community partner networks” that does so.
  • Anyone can buy these unregulated, non-prescribed, abortion drugs. They are marketed online to unverified customers from unauthorized, unvalidated suppliers, with no oversight as to drug quality, purity, or suitability of recipient.
  • Orders are secret and untraceable, and women seeking to obtain abortion pills via mail are instructed how to submit anonymous, cryptic emails using private search engines and surreptitious apps.
  • “Lie to your doctor” is the instruction that Las Libres provides its constituents, issuing specific details on how to “hide their abortion if they are experiencing excessive bleeding and need medical attention.”

In March 2024, the Guttmacher Institute reported that medication abortion accounted for 63 percent of all abortions in the United States in 2023. The reported number of prenatal deaths by chemical abortion is higher than 642,000.

Illegal abortion pills are just one factor in the current disturbing trend toward DIY abortion.

“These unsupervised procedures—self-administered without continuing medical oversight—are incredibly traumatic and dangerous to women,” Brown explained. “Even legitimately distributed abortion pills come with an FDA boxed warning about potentially fatal infections. The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care reports that many women who have taken these drugs report extreme stress and trauma caused by expelling their dead baby’s body at home, alone, after days of nausea, severe cramping, and bleeding. The FDA and USPS should care enough to intervene in this illegal importing of the dangerous DIY abortion drugs.”

Students! Enter CLSP’s Pro-Life Essay Contest

October is Respect Life Month, and it’s also the month staff at the Culture of Life Studies Program gear up to read pro-life essays submitted by students from across America. Students have the entire month of October to write 500 words on one of two topics—one for middle school (5th-8th grades) and one for high school.

Cosponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Writing, this contest is an awesome way for kids to express their pro-life beliefs and to win some incredible prizes!

This year, the prompt for middle school asks students to write about a preborn baby’s development in one of the three trimesters. Kids in high school will write about one pro-life topic (abortion, IVF, euthanasia, etc.) and explain what it is, why it is a threat to human beings, and how they will speak out against this practice.

Every year CLSP receives hundreds of entries and gives away thousands of dollars in prizes. And every year staff marvel at the pro-life voices of the next generation. What will your child write this year? We can’t wait to see.

Read all the details at The contest is open from now until November 4.

ALL in the News

The release of ALL’s new report on the abortion pill garnered an influx of media attention, including the appearance of Katie Brown on EWTN’s Pro-Life Weekly. The report was featured in stories by The Washington Stand and Catholic World Report. Katie will be on Relevant Radio’s Drew Mariani Show today to discuss the report.

STOPP’s recent press release highlighted several of Planned Parenthood’s obscene sex-ed programs across the nation. The story called both parents and schools to action, as it was featured in several media outlets this week. ALL national director Katie Brown interviewed with Daily Wire for a story that was published this week. She also spoke with American Family News, From the Median, andOne America News Network’s show Tipping Point. In addition, STOPP’s research and Katie’s analysis appeared in articles from The Washington Stand, Live Action, Faith on Trial, and Pregnancy Help News.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—wrote an article about Planned Parenthood’s sex ed programs in schools; it was featured on LifeSiteNews this week. She also wrote an article challenging social media users to share inspirational pro-life articles and memes during Respect Life Month.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

The Beauty of the Developing Human Being is a four-class lesson for middle schoolers that explores the science of the earliest moments of a person’s life. Students will see the humanity of the preborn baby and gain a firm foundation regarding the fact that every human being’s life must be protected from creation until death. This is the perfect lesson to read through for those entering our essay contest! ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Birth Control Pills: How They Work: Both factual and graphically clever, this brochure tackles the abortifacient nature of the birth control pill in a non-threatening way. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Post-‘Roe’ America: More Pill Abortions, Fewer Lives Saved

As time passes, it becomes harder to remember there was a time when influential pro-life organizations fought for a federal amendment that recognized all preborn children as persons with rights under our Constitution. Eventually groups demanded victories to justify their existence, so they introduced laws that regulate the killing rather than completely abolish it. Partial-birth bans, heartbeat laws, and ultrasound requirements were passed by state legislatures under the guise of “saving babies.”

A lot of good that did. While states were wasting time and effort on regulations, an underground network of abortion-pill providers organized plans to distribute these poison pills to anyone whose state set strict limits on abortion access. We’re in a post-Roe America, yet the abortion-free state remains a myth, as our latest report explains.

So, will states continue to push ineffective regulations on the killing even though preborn murder continues to rise? Let’s revisit these regulations and why their legalization is a failure in pro-life policymaking.