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A 31-Day Challenge for Respect Life Month

By Susan Ciancio

October is Respect Life Month—a month to focus on respect for the vulnerable, for the elderly, and for those with disabilities. It’s a month to show the world that all human beings matter and are loved. And it’s a month to increase awareness about threats to human dignity and life.

Showing respect for all human beings is something we can easily do, especially on social media. So we have a challenge for you. We want you to post a positive pro-life article or meme every day of Respect Life Month. Fill your social media feed with love.

To make it easy, we have gathered 31 inspirational articles and memes that you can easily share—one each day. Simply copy and paste each to your social media feed. Show your friends, acquaintances, and family that all human beings matter and are valuable and that while Respect Life Month is celebrated only during October, you respect life throughout the year.

1. “St. Francisca Salesia Aviat Teaches about Our Inherent Dignity

2. “Don’t Forget the Seniors

3. “A Birth Mother’s Loving Sacrifice

4. “Caring for the Elderly as Christ Would

5. “Bonnie Walker: Mother of Many

6. “Mercy Killing Is Not True Mercy

7. “Jack’s Basket Celebrates Babies Born with Down Syndrome

8. “Adoption Made Our Family Complete

9. “A Gift of 53 Minutes

10. “How St. Roch Teaches Us to Care for Others

11. “From Abortion to Adoption

12. “One More Chromosome

13. “Inspiring Poem Teaches about the Sanctity of Life

14. “Teaching Development of the Preborn Child Is Crucial

15. “Pediatric Pep Talk Brightens the Lives of Sick Children

16. “Charlie Fien-Emlen: Passionate Advocate for Those with Down Syndrome

17. “5 Ways to Live Like St. Damien of Molokai

18. “God Comforts Us So We Can Comfort Others

19. “Live Counterculturally

20. “Certification in Compassion

21. “Three-Year-Old Boy with Down Syndrome Sends Message to the World











Respect Life Month gives us an excellent opportunity to build a culture of life by helping others see the beauty of those who are marginalized, forgotten, or even held in disdain. Take some time every day to read and share these stories and memes to show your love for God’s children.