In this issue:
- A parent watchdog group uncovered that Planned Parenthood Los Angeles has a $1.4 million dollar contract with LA public schools.
- The CEO of Planned Parenthood Association of Utah mysteriously steps down after just two years in her role.
- STOPP is ready to release its most recent report on Planned Parenthood. Look for it later this week!
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Infiltrates LA County Schools; Has $1.4 Million Dollar Contract
A report published in the Washington Examiner last week revealed that the watchdog group Parents Defending Educationdiscovered Planned Parenthood Los Angeles to be in a $1.4 million dollar contract with the Los Angeles Public Health Department to provide “health services” to students in six LA high schools through June 2025. Parents Defending Education uncovered that PPLA has provided “education and counseling, limited sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment, and over-the-counter contraceptives.” One of the high schools stated that in addition to offering diagnoses of reproductive health issues, PPLA would offer the “insertion of long-acting reversible contraceptives.” It is bad enough that PPLA is providing condoms and birth control to high school students, but offering long-term contraceptives to teenagers is shameful.
While abortion, abortion pills, and gender hormone drugs were not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the contract, another one of the six schools states that PPLA’s services in their student health center permits “prescription and/or dispensing of pharmaceuticals related to reproductive health, including contraceptives and antibiotics,” as well as “referrals for additional medical or other health care services.”
Planned Parenthood’s inception into public and private education has further warped the views and understanding of sex reserved for the marriage, respect for the dignity of oneself and another’s body and soul, as well as a complete disregard for the new human life that is the result of the sexual act. With all the money this affiliate and the organization makes, the results of their “mission” are always corruption and perversion. The problem of Planned Parenthood in our schools and infiltrating the minds and hearts of our children is certainly not just a problem of the past but a very real battle now for us to fight.
Please read more from STOPP International on how you can take action and get Planned Parenthood out of your schools.
Another Planned Parenthood CEO Leaves without a Reason
Planned Parenthood Action Council of Utah announced on X that after just two years of serving as CEO to Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, Kathryn Boyd would be stepping down from her role effective March 28, 2025. In its long thread of posts on the social media site, PPAC Utah stated that while it looks for a new CEO, former Planned Parenthood CEO Sarah Stoesz and Shireen Ghorbani will act as co-interim CEOs.
Utah public radio station KUER reported on this story and was told that “Boyd would not be available for comment and the organization did not give a reason for her departure.” While a follow-up post on PPAU’s Instagram page included a farewell statement from Boyd, there is no indication as to why she is stepping down or if she will be staying with Planned Parenthood in any capacity. This mysterious departure is not the only interesting piece worth noting.Just this month, lawmakers in Utah passed H.B. 233, which prohibits both “instruction by an abortion provider or affiliate” and the providing of sexual materials and media in public schools. This bill rightly targets organizations like Planned Parenthood from giving contraceptives, information on abortion, and gender hormone drugs to students. Planned Parenthood Action Council of Utah has already condemned this bill, which takes effect in Utah on July 1, 2025. Though PPAU will certainly not rest until they can reinsert themselves into Utah’s education system, its new CEOs will have some work cut out for them as Utah valiantly says “NO” to Planned Parenthood in its schools.
Stay Tuned for a New STOPP Report to Release This Week
STOPP International is releasing its latest report on Planned Parenthood CEOs and their salaries this week! The organization that relies on abortion and government funding from our tax dollars to earn their exorbitantly high salaries each year has certainly continued to put more money in their own pockets. Please check back to our website for our latest findings on Planned Parenthood. You don’t want to miss this!
Contact Us
Because so many of you asked for it, we have created a new express email address so you can easily get in touch with us at STOPP. Over the past few months, we have found that people had questions, comments, and other information that they wanted to relay to us.
The email address will be monitored 24 HOURS A DAY. If you have any questions or tips for us, please send them to
Momentum is building in the fight against Planned Parenthood. Don’t hesitate to contact us about getting Planned Parenthood out of your town. We must keep building our army of informed citizens.
Planned Parenthood is an enemy of life, and we need to fight back. I hope to hear from you.