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WSR: 2024-08-21

  • Planned Parenthood’s abortion bus at the DNC seeks to end lives and sterilize men.
  • Planned Parenthood’s latest school sex ed program targets deaf students.

By Ed Martin

By now, you probably have heard about the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the nomination of the Planned Parenthood candidate, Kamala Harris, as their presidential candidate.

Much attention has been paid to the presence of protestors in Chicago—reportedly 100,000 supporting the Hamas terrorists.  

We hope you have also seen the coverage of Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers (IL), who brought their portable killing machine to Chicago to offer free abortions and vasectomies. All week long, these evildoers have been releasing statistics of the number of “patients” they have seen (i.e., the babies they have killed). God bless those babies.

Perhaps we should celebrate the fact that this evil is not hidden from us and from our fellow citizens. Look at the three posts by Planned Parenthood below. They are bragging about the killing. They are showing who they are. They are unafraid to be seen.

Still, as we work to stop the killing, we can’t help but wish these people would have some shame, as their brazenness is haunting. It’s like watching murderers roam the streets looking to kill again.

God bless us all.

By Katherine Van Dyke

Planned Parenthood of Delaware announced that it has created a four-part sex education video series using American Sign Language to distribute to deaf middle and high school students across the country. 

Delaware Public Media reported that PPDE’s videos include the topics such as “consent, body image, birth control, STIs and identity.” STOPP watched all four videos on YouTube and confirmed that the content is filled with explicit language referencing sex, promoting all methods of contraception to avoid pregnancy, and a heavy emphasis on transgenderism and other LGBTQ+ lifestyles for the five deaf high school juniors depicted in the video. 

Two of the young women in the videos act as a lesbian couple, while another woman identifies as a transgender man. These videos present explicit conversations among the students while they sign using ASL, with one student even recommending to a male student in the video that he can go to Planned Parenthood to get his condoms for “free” so that he can have sex with a girl he likes.

Planned Parenthood’s vulgar indoctrination emphasizes meaningless/casual sex, viewing pregnancy as a problem and transgenderism as a “good” lifestyle. While we know none of this is new for the abortion organization, targeting young deaf pre-teens and teens with its perverted propaganda is another level of low for Planned Parenthood. PPDE’s disabilities program coordinator Quinn Vermillion even admitted that PPDE is hoping to get these videos into all the deaf schools throughout the country:

So the videos just launched last month, and now it’s summer, so in the fall, hopefully this will really take off. We are also going to be putting a lot of effort into reaching out to different deaf schools across the U.S. right now, in this summer period before the next school year starts and again at the beginning of the school year to make sure that people know about it. There are roughly 85 deaf schools in the country, and we’re going to be trying to reach out to all of them.

ACTION ITEM: STOPP will begin sending letters to each of these schools and ask them not to accept Planned Parenthood’s perverted sex education program. STOPP has included a list of the schools for the deaf here (Note: Some of the schools on this list are universities and colleges), and we are asking for your help to write and ask these schools to say NO to Planned Parenthood’s sex education program for middle and high school students as well. Let’s beat Planned Parenthood to the chase and inform these schools why their students do not need Planned Parenthood’s disastrous “education.”

Please download this letter template and write your own letters to these schools.

Because so many of you asked for it, we have just created a new express email address so you can easily get in touch with us at STOPP. Over the past few months, we have found that people had questions, comments, and other information that they wanted to relay to us.  

The email address will be monitored 24 HOUR A DAY. If you have any questions or tips for us, please send them to

Momentum is building in the fight against Planned Parenthood. In the past three weeks alone we have had four different local pro-lifers contact us so we could begin a plan for working together. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us about getting Planned Parenthood out of your town. We must keep building our army of informed citizens.

Planned Parenthood is an enemy of life, and we need to fight back. I hope to hear from you.