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WSR: 2024-07-24

  • What Kamala began in California with her abuse of power as AG now continues at the federal level. We must all be cognizant of her past and present actions.
  • Planned Parenthood is hoping to open a new abortion facility in Richmond, Virginia. Help us stop this attempt to slaughter the innocents.

She and PP Targeted Pro-Life Warrior David Daleiden

By Ed Martin

Over the past few days, the media has rushed to cover the transition of Kamala Harris from vice presidential candidate to presidential candidate.

Their breathless coverage of her career and her prospects has omitted one of her most ominous achievements: She showed America how a prosecutor can abuse her power to seek to destroy her enemies.

Readers should be reminded that Kamala Harris—at the request of Planned Parenthood—investigated David Daleiden and his colleagues after their groundbreaking coverage of Planned Parenthood executives’ admissions regarding aborted babies’ body parts and trafficking in body parts for pay.

It should be stated clearly: Planned Parenthood and its allies asked then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris to pursue its enemies—in this case, Daleiden. Harris not only did so, but she used the entire apparatus of California law enforcement to pursue them.

What she began has continued for almost a decade: all out lawfare against Daleiden and pro-lifers.

As much as Americans rightly decry the abuse and weaponization of government against January 6 defendants and Donald Trump, we should be reminded that the beginning of this era of lawfare was Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris.

Be reminded and forewarned. 

By Katherine Van Dyke

STOPP received news last week that the Richmond City Council will vote this week on a proposal that could demolish a former school building owned by the city and sell the property to Planned Parenthood. This news follows Virginia League of Planned Parenthood’s announcement in May that it expected to see an increase in out-of-state abortion referrals due to Florida’s six-week abortion restriction. 

According to a local ABC news outlet in Richmond, Virginia, Planned Parenthood is after the city-owned school building, which once served as a school for students with Cerebral palsy, so that the structure can be demolished and a third Planned Parenthood abortion facility can open in Richmond’s city proper. 

VLPP’s CEO, Paulette McElwain, issued a statement saying that the abortion giant has been working with Richmond’s mayor to make sure this real estate deal happens:

In light of the various bans on reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare in nearly all of Virginia’s surrounding states, Mayor Stoney’s administration worked with us to identify property where we could expand access to critical reproductive and primary health care. . . .

We plan to use the property to build a new health center that will allow us to provide comprehensive health care to approximately 5,000 Richmond-area residents and folks traveling from across the South to access care.

STOPP is currently connecting with other pro-lifers about how we can most effectively stop Planned Parenthood’s expansion attempt. To stay updated with the latest on this story and our other efforts to fight against Planned Parenthood, click here.

Because so many of you asked for it, we have just created a new express email address so you can easily get in touch with us at STOPP. Over the past few months, we have found that people had questions, comments, and other information that they wanted to relay to us.  

The email address will be monitored 24 HOUR A DAY. If you have any questions or tips for us, please send them to

Momentum is building in the fight against Planned Parenthood. In the past three weeks alone we have had four different local pro-lifers contact us so we could begin a plan for working together. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us about getting Planned Parenthood out of your town. We must keep building our army of informed citizens.

Planned Parenthood is an enemy of life, and we need to fight back. I hope to hear from you.