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WSR: 2024-06-19

  • Planned Parenthood continually adds tricks to its sex education repertoire. Read where the organization is now targeting youth.
  • Missouri’s attorney general, Andrew Bailey, is a champion for life. His moral courage is an inspiration!

By Katherine Van Dyke

In a shocking interview article with Yes! magazine last week, it was revealed that Planned Parenthood is targeting another demographic of young people with its perverse sex education, and this time, it’s young teenagers in jail. 

Cristobal De La Cruz, a “health educator” with Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties, detailed in his interview with Yes! that he teaches Planned Parenthood’s sex education material via workshop sessions to males ages 12-18 who are incarcerated in juvenile hall in Orange County, California. 

The article explains that as a young adult himself, De La Cruz is “still young enough to blend in” with the young men in jail through culturally relevant and age-appropriate discussions. That is, until he pulls out a condom and shows the young men how to use one. According to the article, “De La Cruz will guide them in lessons about anatomy and pregnancy, birth control and sexually transmitted infections. He also explores healthy relationships and the pitfalls of toxic masculinity.”

Immediately following this sentence about supporting healthy relationships and avoiding toxic masculinity, the article states, “But the fun really begins when De La Cruz pulls the condom out of his pocket.” De La Cruz shares this antidote about his workshops: “I start off with asking them what the first step is,” and according to the article, the answer is not “get the girl or buy the condom. . . . The first step, he tells them, is consent.” 

You read that correctly. Rather than educating and encouraging these young men to make better behavioral decisions and providing them with the support they need to do so, Planned Parenthood encourages these young men to engage in “fun” sex by using condoms. 

The article goes on to describe Planned Parenthood workshop’s session called the Male Involvement Program, which explores birth control, STI testing, and engaging in behaviors often not considered with masculinity. From the sounds of its workshop sessions, Planned Parenthood appears to be educating men on how to be disengaged and cowardly with women by putting them on the pill, engaging in sex with multiple women and having to be tested for infections as a result, and denying the positive traits of masculinity that allow them to protect and defend the dignity of the women in their lives.

While Planned Parenthood hopes to reach 300 young men by the end of this month and expand its facilities in San Bernardino County, STOPP is asking you to help us spread the word about this program so we can work to keep Planned Parenthood away from our children and teenagers.

When many of us watch pundits and politicos discuss whether federal action to ban abortion or choose a gestational limit is a good idea, we must remind ourselves that rarely have federal pro-lifers—like Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell, for example—actually delivered.

Instead, we should encourage our state and local officials to step into the breach. We must fight for life starting in our families, our schools, and our local and state communities.

One inspiration for this is Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey. He has repeatedly taken on Planned Parenthood directly and in court proceedings. He doesn’t hide behind policy preferences or debates over niceties. He just punches them and keeps punching.

AG Bailey has gone to court over and over again to hold Planned Parenthood accountable: for abortions provided across state lines, for hiding the truth of its “health services” and emergencies, and most recently to get disclosure about gender dysphoria treatments.

Click on the links below to read more about each of these actions. And remember that the courage that is contagious for the cause of life must start with you and me and expand outward. 

We must support and encourage our local leaders who step up the fight. After all, the courage to fight for life rarely jumps to federal officials directly (they are too often weak and not committed), but our courage and the example of local politicians can teach them. 

Because so many of you asked for it, we have just created a new express email address so you can easily get in touch with us at STOPP. Over the past few months, we have found that people had questions, comments, and other information that they wanted to relay to us.  

The email address will be monitored 24 HOUR A DAY. If you have any questions or tips for us, please send them to

Momentum is building in the fight against Planned Parenthood. In the past three weeks alone we have had four different local pro-lifers contact us so we could begin a plan for working together. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us about getting Planned Parenthood out of your town. We must keep building our army of informed citizens.

Planned Parenthood is an enemy of life, and we need to fight back. I hope to hear from you.