In This Issue
- Planned Parenthood’s new numbers are very revealing.
- Planned Parenthood says it wants to end its racism, but . . .
- Planned Parenthood makes money and spreads pain.
- All the numbers from Planned Parenthood’s latest Annual Reports
Planned Parenthood’s new numbers are very revealing.
By Jim Sedlak
On Friday, February 19, Planned Parenthood Federation of America released its 2019-2020 Annual Report. The report covers its finances from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, as well as its service numbers from October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019. The important thing to remember is that all of its service numbers are from a time before the start of the Coronavirus pandemic and over 50 percent of its financial numbers were also before the pandemic.
We are all aware of the political gains Planned Parenthood saw in the 2020 elections and the tone of the report reflects the joy and optimism with which it is viewing the Biden administration. But the numbers in the report show a bloated Planned Parenthood organization struggling to remain relevant to both the American public and its own donor base.
First, let’s look at its customer base. Planned Parenthood used to be proud of its growing number of customers, but those days seem to have passed. During the 1990s, it consistently reported over three million customers a year. It hit a high of 3,140,540 unique customers in 2006 but has lost significant customers since then.
There has been much media reporting over the last week about how, since 2015, Planned Parenthood has added transgender services, particularly in the hopes of attracting new customers. Yet, this latest annual report shows Planned Parenthood has reported the same number of unique customers, 2,400,000, for the last five years in a row (2014-2018). This, despite the fact that it went from zero transgender hormone customers in 2014 to now claiming that it is the second largest provider of transgender hormone services. Prior to 2014, the last time Planned Parenthood reported as few as 2,400,000 unique customers was in 1998!
This precipitous drop in clientele has caused Planned Parenthood to close 254 centers since 2006. In the PP world, centers close when they are no longer profitable. Centers lose their profitability when local pro-lifers, with guidance from national groups like STOPP International, focus on telling the truth about PP to everyone in town who will listen and national groups like the Center for Medical Progress release proof of PP’s gruesome activities. Included in those 254 closed centers are 105 that have closed since 2014.
In addition to its customers, Planned Parenthood documents the swift drop in the number of individual donors who have given to Planned Parenthood in recent years. Planned Parenthood reported in its latest annual report that it had 590,000 individual donors in its 2019-2020 fiscal year. That is the lowest number it has had in five years. It is over 900,000 less individual donors than the 1,500,000 it reported just two years ago.
Individuals making decisions on whom they see for services and those deciding on where to put their donations, are abandoning Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood has had much more success in getting elected officials to send our money to them. In this latest annual report, Planned Parenthood says it received $618.1 million from taxpayers—almost identical to the $616.8 million it reported last year. These amounts are a total of both federal and state money. Planned Parenthood was able to offset the estimated $60 million loss in taxpayer money from the federal government with additional money it received from states—including the 16 states that pay for abortions with state taxpayer money.
Bottom line—the new PPFA Annual Report describes an organization the politicians love (especially Democrat politicians) and from which ordinary clients and donors are running away.
Jim Sedlak is executive director of American Life League, founder of STOPP International, and host of a weekly talk show on the Radio Maria Network. He has been successfully fighting Planned Parenthood since 1985.
Planned Parenthood says it wants to end its racism, but . . .
By Jim Sedlak
Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates have a racism problem, and say they want to correct it—but its actions belie those stated intentions.
In 2020, American Life League released a 16-page report on the racism that exists in Planned Parenthood today—Planned Parenthood’s Racism . . . In Their Own Words. It documented how Planned Parenthood affiliates that operate in 33 states across the country specifically stated that they have systemic racism within their organizations. In doing so, many of the affiliates specifically used the term “white supremacy” in describing their problems.
At the time, the national office, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was relatively silent on the problem. But, PPFA has now released its latest Annual Report and it contains the following joint statement by its (black) president, Alexis McGill Johnson, and its (white) board chair, Aimee Cunningham. They state: “Planned Parenthood is 104 years old, and we’re committed to addressing structural racism, both historic and current, in the federation.” (underline added)
The position of the Planned Parenthood Federation seems to be: We’ve been a racist organization for 104 years, but we are going to change everything now. Trust us.
As we documented in the racism report, Planned Parenthood employees don’t believe it, and neither should we. As we pointed out in our report, when told of PP’s intentions to change, they replied:
(From BuzzFeed article): “This assessment was great but, what’s next? This assessment took three years to do. Are we gonna have to wait another three years before they implement any policies?” one of the employees asked. “I don’t trust them to make these changes, because Planned Parenthood is filled with people who, because they do work in reproductive rights, think they can’t be racist or prejudice [sic], but keep saying and doing racist things, and nothing is being done about it.”
Employees of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York told their board of directors: “After years of complaints from staff about issues of systemic racism, pay inequity, and lack of upward mobility for Black staff, highly paid consultants were brought in three separate times to assess the situation. Each time, employees of color were brutally honest about their experiences, but nothing changed.”
A letter from Planned Parenthood Great Plains documents the problems at the affiliate due to management that apparently caused the affiliate to be placed on probation by PPFA. Yet, the CEO—who the letter says was responsible for the upheaval—was moved to a larger affiliate with a significant pay raise, despite warnings from PPGP employees.
Then, of course, there is the matter of Planned Parenthood slaughtering millions of black and other minority preborn babies over the years. In the same Annual Report where Planned Parenthood is promising to change, it admits to committing 354,871 abortions in 2019. Planned Parenthood is the abortion industry in the United States. It operates 54 percent of all the surgical and pill abortion facilities and commits over 41 percent of all abortions.
When the CDC reports that 38 percent of all abortions are committed on black women, statistically that means that Planned Parenthood killed at least 135,851 black preborn children in one year. Remember that each of those babies was created by God for a specific purpose.
When asked about its abortion business, Alexis McGill Johnson says that Planned Parenthood is a “proud abortion provider.”
How are you proud of killing 372 black babies a day and still claim that you are going to end racism in the organization?
Planned Parenthood makes money and spreads pain
Planned Parenthood likes to portray itself as a “health care” organization. Yet, a close look at its financial and service numbers shows something different.
We have always maintained that Planned Parenthood has a very specific and very understandable business plan:
Step 1. Get young people involved in lives of sex. It does this because young people who are not having sex provide little or no income for Planned Parenthood, while those having sex bring millions of dollars into Planned Parenthood’s coffers. A look at Planned Parenthood financial data shows it spends more money each year on sex indoctrination programs. Over the last five years, its spending on these programs has increased 36 percent.
Step 2. Sell the sexually active young people birth control products at a huge mark-up to bring millions of dollars into PP coffers. Profit margins at Planned Parenthood are outrageous. Birth control pills that Planned Parenthood buys for $1.50 to $2.50 are sold for $18 to $21. Emergency contraception kits that PP buys for less than $5 will be sold for as much as $30.
Step 3. When (not if) the birth control products fail, Planned Parenthood sells the children an abortion for even more money. Planned Parenthood says it committed 354,871 abortions last year. A first-trimester abortion costs about $609 locally. That means that Planned Parenthood’s abortion business brings in over $216 million to the organization. That kind of income gives great incentive to increase the abortion numbers each year—even though each abortion kills a child created by God for a specific purpose.
Step 4. Of course, as David Daleiden documented, after the abortion is over, Planned Parenthood tries to make even more money selling aborted baby body parts.
Planned Parenthood service data in the Annual Report reveals:
PP commits 133 abortions for every one adoption referral.
While abortions went up 2.7 percent, prenatal services fell 12 percent last year.
Sexually transmitted infections (a normal result of frequent sexual activity with multiple partners) went up 28 percent, as over 900,000 additional people were treated for one or more of the diseases. (Remember when they were called STDs?)
In all of this, the winners are Planned Parenthood’s top executives, who rake in millions of dollars, while its clients suffer, and preborn babies die—at record annual numbers at Planned Parenthood.
All the numbers from Planned Parenthood’s latest Annual Reports
We present below all the financial and service numbers from the last five PPFA Annual reports. It is also available here.