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STOPP International

Behold the Lord Jesus Christ, Who tries so hard to get our attention


This information-packed bi-weekly e-newsletter is the voice of STOPP, American Life League’s project that exposes the true nature of Planned Parenthood and documents its anti-life, anti-family programs. The Wednesday STOPP Report also spells out what dedicated grassroots pro-lifers can do to counter Planned Parenthood. Wednesday STOPP Report subscribers also receive special e-mail updates offering an in-depth look at timely pro-life issues.


WSR: 2021-08-11

Planned Parenthood taxpayer funding– an update
Dr. Wen’s new book
Fighting Planned Parenthood with Matthew
Planned Parenthood permanently closes Monticello center

WSR: 2021-07-21

Planned Parenthood execs and supporters win religious awards
The religion of Planned Parenthood
What one Planned Parenthood president told the Humanists
Planned Parenthood “temporarily” closes Tucson center

WSR: 2021-07-07

California’s love affair with Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood opens new center in Hemet, California
Planned Parenthood “specifically targets the Black, Latinx, and LBGTQ+ communities.”
Planned Parenthood loses in Iowa

WSR: 2021-06-16

The fight against Planned Parenthood in California going strong
Planned Parenthood-center status
The fight against Planned Parenthood in Chattanooga, Tennessee, continues

WSR: 2021-06-02

Planned Parenthood celebrates Biden budget attack on Hyde
Biden budget gives Planned Parenthood millions
Biden’s budget– what can be done?
Update on Planned Parenthood Lubbock

WSR: 2021-05-19

Planned Parenthood files lawsuit against Lubbock, Texas
Planned Parenthood loses in Idaho!
Planned Parenthood exploiting religion to appear mainstream
Happy Birthday, Dad

WSR: 2021-05-05

Planned Parenthood upset with Biden
Planned Parenthood losing in North Dakota
Planned Parenthood Loses in Arkansas
Planned Parenthood loses big in Lubbock, Texas

WSR: 2021-04-21

Planned Parenthood feeling pressure on racist activities
Planned Parenthood’s real 3% number
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest Merges with Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky
Bishop leads Stations of the Cross outside Planned Parenthood

WSR: 2021-04-07

Planned Parenthood using Guttmacher to push for unlimited, free abortions
Surprise! Planned Parenthood doesn’t like the police
Planned Parenthood in New York State
TCAPP efforts result in closing of three Planned Parenthood clinics


Building a solid wall of resistance to Planned Parenthood