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pope francis

Catholicism in Crisis

In a world in which outside attacks on our faith are more frequent and more damaging, we must remain strong. We must never stray from God’s will or from His teachings. To do so endangers our souls.

Alleviating Catholic Madness

Following the tenets of the Church and the teachings of Christ must be the main focus of each and every Catholic. When we falter in these things, we invite in Satan and risk losing our souls.

The Pope Francis Effect

Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico was filled with love, charity, and kindness—all qualities we should emulate as we try to build a culture of life.

Pope Francis, Abortion, and Mercy

We have all been taught that forgiveness is a beautiful thing. But, with the recent words of Pope Francis, we see just how beautiful and healing forgiveness truly is, and how these words can nourish.

Seeds of Confusion Surround Cardinal Turkson, Birth Control

Vatican representative Cardinal Peter Turksen made statements in an interview with the BBC alluding to Birth Control and the use of natural means to regulate births as a tool to address environmental challenges. This is the antithesis of the birth control mentality and is not compatible with a view that natural family planning is mere birth control. Clarification of his comments are needed before grave damage is done in the public arena and Catholic people are led to believe that the Church is promoting birth control by any name.